Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

What is "raising a man for a thousand days and using a man for a while"?

What is "fortunately he came first"?

At this time, after hearing Yan Shu's words in her heart, and seeing the little niece who suddenly appeared, and the little girl from the Ni family, Yu Wenlan realized something.

...His concubine did not invite him to come here to enjoy the scenery.

Looking at the pure and clear eyes of the little niece, Yu Wenlan had no choice but to help Yan Shu upright and then let go of her hand, coughing and asking, "Why is Lan Yun here?"

But the little girl replied crisply, "Because Yipin Niang Niang wants to bring us to play."

As he spoke, he also pulled the little girl from the Ni family to the two of them, and said, "There's also sister Xiang Wan."

But Ni Xiangwan bowed to the two of them with an embarrassed face, and said, "See Your Majesty, and see Madam Yipin. It is the little princess who wants to play with Yipin, so the queen mother and mother asked the servants to come with the little princess. "

"I see."

Yu Wenlan nodded, raised her eyebrows and looked at her beloved concubine, and said meaningfully, "Then why do you all appear here together?"

He just wants to know now, what kind of medicine is sold in her gourd?

What do you want to do by bringing a few people together?

But Yan Shu coughed and said with a smile, "Yes... I heard that the lotus flowers have bloomed well these two days, and I have long wanted to invite His Majesty to come and watch them together. Just before I went out, I heard that the little princess is coming to see me again. Concubine, so I simply asked her to come here together. Anyway, to enjoy the scenery, there are many people and it is lively."

Of course, she didn't know that Ni Xiangwan followed her. After all, the person who came to ask questions just said that Lan Yun was looking for her.

However, the eldest princess has not recovered in the past few days, and the mother and daughter are still in the palace. Hearing that Mrs. Mu is going back to Mingzhou, the Queen Mother also keeps their mother and son to stay for a few more days.

The little girl from the Ni family played with Lan Yun every day, so it was not surprising that they appeared together at this time.

But the problem is...

Who is Concubine Zhou trying to use among them to frame herself?

Tsk tsk tsk, it's a good thing she didn't stay in his palace, otherwise, if Concubine Zhou got her way, something happened to these two little girls, and the queen mother, eldest princess, and Mrs. Mu would all hate her.

Even if the emperor wanted to protect her, he might not be able to!


Hearing this silently, Yu Wenlan almost understood.

It seems that Lan Yun wanted to play with her, and the daughter of the Zhou family planned to take the opportunity to make trouble. She had foreseen the rumor and asked him to prevent it?

Oh, I thought she really missed him...

Of course, if Zhou's daughter really intends to do this, then her choice is also good.

So after a moment of disappointment in Yu Wenlan's heart, she also nodded and said, "That's fine, everyone is here, let's go together."

Then he sat down in the pavilion.

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