Chapter 133 -134 [EXTRA]

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Chapter 133 - [Traveling to Modern Times]

(Read the summary, set the hero as the biological son of the Empress Dowager, now known as Zhou Lan, and the heroine is now named Li Shu.)

The alarm clock of the mobile phone rang at the pillow for nearly a minute, and Li Shu finally opened her eyes with difficulty.

Originally, she was left in the dormitory of the quadruple room, which was a little too quiet.

Near graduation, her roommates, internships, or formal work, have moved out. Only because she stayed up late to write novels every day, she couldn't get up the next day, and she was unable to interview for a long time.

In fact, it's not that she wants to stay up late. She mainly urges tens of thousands of readers online every day. She really can't stand everyone up, so she can only grit her teeth and code.

It is normal to write until two or three o'clock at night. When she gets enough sleep the next day, she will start to think about the new chapter, and the time will pass in the code word day by day.

In the blink of an eye, it's the end of May, and I'm going to graduate next month.

Although her current contribution fee is not bad, if she doesn't find a formal job, her parents will force her home.

Of course, home is not terrible. What's terrible is those who have seven aunts and eight aunts in the family!

It's okay to compare with her husband and children every day. Since she turned 20 years old, these relatives have been scrambling to introduce her to someone. If she really goes home, she will not be bored to death.

So she still wants to find a job in her heart, but she has no time.

Fortunately, Professor Qi in the department introduced one to her yesterday, saying that Huarui Group was going to set up a media company and was looking for someone at the time, so she tried to submit her resume, but she didn't expect to receive an interview invitation soon.

So, no matter how sleepy she is now, she will go.

At 10 a.m., in the conference room on the 15th floor of Huarui Building, the new CEO Zhou Lan looked up at his watch and felt a little impatient.

He has interviewed several planning and publicity posts, and they are not very satisfied. He even plans to get up and leave.

Of course, this is not himself. Other people in the conference room have also begun to wander around, and for a moment, all kinds of voices have penetrated into his ears.

--[Tut, who is the male star who has had two children in a hidden marriage and is now forcing his wife to divorce quietly to be with the rich woman? The author named Xiaoyao Wanzi is too good at breaking the chapter!!! Are you going to rush people to death!!!

[It's only ten o'clock in the morning, and there are still 23 hours before the latest chapter of Xiaoyao University. How can I get through this difficult day...]

[It's too late to watch. Why did you let me know the treasure author of Xiaoyao Maruko yesterday!!! I haven't caught up the latest chapter all night. I don't want to go to work. I just want to read novels!!!]

Now there are four people in the conference room. Except for him, the other three are talking about this Xiaoyaowanzi in their hearts...

He knows that this "Xiaoyao Wanzi" is the dark horse author of the top ten sales of a novel website at present. He wrote a novel called "Telling about the Years When I Eat Melon in the Entertainment Industry", which is currently popular on the Internet.

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