Chapter 83-84

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Chapter 83

At this moment, Qi Shuguang was stunned.

He really didn't expect that she...would ask him such a question?

But how should he answer this?

He hasn't lost his mind yet, hasn't forgotten where he is at this moment, and hasn't forgotten who he and he are.

So after being dazed for a while, he could only say, "Caomin is just...just..."

However, before he finished speaking, the Queen Mother said again, "I remember that many years ago, you knew everything about Aijia, and you couldn't say anything. I didn't expect that now, you have learned to hesitate."

She smiled coolly as she spoke, as if she was a little disappointed.

With a stab in his heart, Qi Shuguang forgot a lot at the moment, and just lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, no matter what the status of the grass-roots is, the hearts of the grass-roots have never changed."

But when the words fell, he himself was taken aback.

He... what did he say?

Looking forward quietly, she saw that she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her eyebrows slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of a smile on her lips...

"Mr. Wang does not forget his original intention, and cultivates excellent talents for Daliang."

After the queen mother finished speaking, she turned around and walked away.

Only Qi Shuguang was left to hang his head on the spot.

The library is spacious enough and is three stories high.

At this time, everyone was chatting and visiting, and no one could hear what they said.

Only Yan Shu quietly witnessed everything, and was extremely curious in her heart.

Whoa whoa what did they say? ? ?

Why does the queen mother seem to be in a good mood!

Could it be that Bachelor Qi confessed his love? !

I just feel sorry for her because she is afraid that Princess Shouan will go to pester Qi Xueshi again, and she dare not leave easily, so she can only continue to talk with her on the surface, and she is so upset in her heart that she can only shout silently, [Ah, what did the Queen Mother say to Qi Xueshi? ! 】

At the same time, Yu Wenlan, who was looking around at the collection of books, felt a huge tremor in his ears.

—Although he was far away and couldn't hear the voice, he could hear such a loud shout anyway.


Did the Empress Dowager talk to Qi Shuguang?

Surprised, he hurriedly looked around the pavilion, and saw that the Empress Dowager was checking the collection of books, while Qi Shuguang was still standing where he had just been.

Looking again, I saw that Yan Shu was talking with Princess Shou'an, her expression was also calm.

He tried to walk over.

Passing by Qi Shuguang first, but hearing the other party sigh inwardly, 【Didn't you say that sentence just now. 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

which sentence? What did he say?

Passing by the queen mother again, but hearing that the queen mother seemed a little proud, 【Fool. 】

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