Chapter 81-82

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Chapter 81

A few days ago in the Changchun Garden, after the emperor personally accepted Qi Shuguang as the head of the mountain, other preparatory work for Songhe Academy has also been completed in recent days.

The Ministry of Rites has drawn up an auspicious day for the opening, which is the day after tomorrow.

After returning to Ganlu Palace from Ci'an Palace, Yan Shu has been thinking about this matter.

After the royal driver arrived in the evening, taking advantage of the time to chat after going to bed, she took the initiative to ask Yu Wenlan, "Your Majesty, I heard that there will be four great masters discussing the Tao at the opening ceremony of Songhe Academy in the future, but is it true? "

Yu Wenlan snorted, took her into her arms, and said, "There is such a thing, it was arranged by the Ministry of Rites. After all, after the day after tomorrow, these famous people will return to their hometowns. It is not easy for them to come to the capital. Ask the students to personally experience the style of great Confucianism, and perhaps they will all grow."

Looking at her while talking, "Why are you talking about this?"

But I heard Yan Shu say, "The concubine just heard this matter from the palace people today, and thinks this idea is quite good. also said that it is rare to gather these famous masters, and it is a pity that you just ask the students to listen."

Yu Wenlan didn't understand, so he said, "It's a pity? How can I not be a pity?"

But seeing Yanshu shaking her head and shaking her head, she said, "The ancients said that if you are young, you are eager to learn, like the sun rising from the sun; This talk should be made available to the people of the whole world, so that all the people who want to hear it should come to listen. If so, I believe those famous masters will be very happy."

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Tsk, when did she become so polite.

However, there is some truth to this statement. After all, it faces the world and attracts more people to watch, and the impact will be greater.

This is also a good thing for rebuilding the reputation of Songhe Academy.

He nodded, "It's debatable, tomorrow I will ask the Ministry of Rites to prepare."

After finishing speaking, he placed his palm on her lower abdomen and asked gently, "Tell me, how old is he now?"

— After all, it is the first time to be a father, and it always fills people with all kinds of curiosity and expectations.

Yan Shu thought about it, compared him to a peanut-sized appearance, and said, "It's probably about this big."

Yu Wenlan imagined again, "I don't know if he is a man or a woman, what will he look like?"

But Yan Shu said, "Your Majesty's flesh and blood must also be a dragon among men, as outstanding as His Majesty."

That's natural, it's his child after all!

Yu Wenlan was proud of herself, and before she could speak, she changed her voice again and said, "However, there is a saying that a genius depends on ninety-nine percent hard work and one percent talent, what we should do the day after tomorrow There is still work to be done."

Yu Wenlan, "...what is 'ninety-nine percent'? What does it mean?"

Yan Shu choked, and then realized that she was out of line, so she had to explain, "It means nine out of ten."

Yu Wenlan nodded, and said with a thoughtful face, "This statement seems to be more accurate."

Yan Shu hurriedly said yes, and then hurriedly said the important point, "The concubine means that although the emperor's heir is young, he should be asked to get in touch with good affairs earlier, so that he may be even better after he is born in the future. How about taking advantage of this famous scholar's discussion, and His Majesty also bring his ministers and concubines to listen to it, so that the emperor's heirs can get acquainted with the way of sages earlier, wouldn't it be better?"

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