Chapter 67-68

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Chapter 67

No matter how the emotions in her heart surged, the queen mother said these words calmly.

To outsiders, it's just saying hello to an old acquaintance whom I haven't seen for a long time.

However, when the voice fell on his heart, Grand Master Qi trembled violently.

—This time I went to Beijing, I never expected to see her.

Unexpectedly, God still gave him this side.

—Although he just lowered his head and didn't dare to raise his eyes at all, the furthest line of sight could only reach the corner of her robe.

But enough is enough.

Qi Shuguang also tried his best to restrain his emotions, bowed his head and bowed on the ground, saying, "Cao Min sees the Empress Dowager."

This move is reasonable and more in line with the status of the old minister.

But within a short while, the Queen Mother nodded, then looked away, looked around the crowd and said, "This time you are all gathered in the capital to do your best for the restart of Songhe Academy. The Ai family is very pleased. , and make more contributions to the people of the court."

When the voice fell, everyone responded one after another.

The noisy voices are mixed together, so that people can't tell which one belongs to that person.

After everything calmed down, the Empress Dowager said again, "Everyone, hurry up, Ai's family is going back to the palace too."

After speaking, he turned around and boarded the shoulder road waiting at the side.

Everyone responded one after another, and continued walking after seeing her out of the imperial garden.

Qi Shuguang's expression was normal, but his mind was still on the side of him just now.

—After many years, she has become the empress dowager, her palace attire has been changed to a dark color, and her voice sounds much calmer.

Presumably, there is no need to worry about the problems of the government anymore, and no need to worry about the disobedience of the young adopted son.

So, it should be very good.

Just as he was thinking this way, someone suddenly said to him, "I heard that Mr. Qi used to be an official in Zhongji Temple, and now there are many students of yours in the court. Come to think of it, this time, the Songhe Academy Shanzhang is the It's all about you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone echoed.

Some people even bowed to him and congratulated him, "Congratulations to Mr. Qi."

Qi Shuguang smiled faintly, and said, "Everyone is really flattering Qi too much. Qi has mediocre qualifications and has lived in Langya for more than ten years. I really dare not covet the position of the mountain leader. After this matter is over, I still have to go back to Langya. I also ask you to show your talents and make more contributions to the academy."

The implication is that he is just here to make soy sauce this time, and he has no intention of this person at all.

Hearing this, many people were quietly relieved, praised him for his humility, and continued to move forward.


And just when all the famous Confucianists were talking freely in Wenyuan Pavilion, Yan Shu woke up leisurely.

While laying on the bed, rubbing his stomach and thinking about what to have for breakfast, he heard a ding from the system, 【The Empress Dowager and Grand Master Qi have just met. 】

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