Chapter 71-72

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Chapter 71

The reason why Yan Shu came to find the queen mother was actually after a lot of deliberation.

— After all, regarding this matter, the emperor can only send people to Luzhou, thousands of miles away, to find the Hu family, and help the Hu family file a lawsuit again, and bring Wang Xiangli and Old Man Ge to court.

And just as she said to the queen mother, there is a time lag for this matter. No matter how fast the Jinyi guards are, it will take five or six days to arrive at the place. What's more, the old man Ge is still in the capital. If the news spread to the capital again, it would still take some days to bring the Hu family to the capital and sue directly in the capital.

Really have to wait until that, the day lily is cold.

Fortunately, Hu Sanniang is currently in the capital, and it would be best if she appealed for grievances in person.

However, how could she ask Hu Sanniang to complain in person?

Naturally, it can only be passed through the queen mother.

And to let the Queen Mother know about this, she can only write a storybook first, and it has to be sent out.

Cough, after all, she can't take the manuscript and read it to the Queen Mother. If that happens, won't she lose her horse?

Therefore, she worked hard all day yesterday to write, and this morning she sent someone to wait outside the bookstore early to buy back the script before the first batch.

And in order for the queen mother to hear the story earlier, she didn't even sleep late, and she didn't have a good breakfast.

Fortunately, now that the queen mother has spoken decisively, everything is worth it.

Now, she just needs to wait for Hu Sanniang to enter the palace.


There was still a council of celebrities in Wenyuan Pavilion this morning, and Ge Yuanhua entered the palace with the others early in the morning.

Therefore, when Mr. Xiaoyao's new story book was on sale, he, like other Confucian scholars, was unaware of it.

But he also knew that Hu Sanniang was not sincerely following him, so as early as when Hu Sanniang entered the mansion, he arranged for a confidant woman to follow Hu Sanniang to monitor her daily life.

Therefore, when she first heard the Queen Mother summoning her, the old woman said with a puzzled face, "Well, why did the Queen Mother summon us Sanniang? The master is not here now, why don't we wait for the master to come back and let Sanniang enter together?" How about paying homage to the Empress Dowager?"

However, the palace servant who came to deliver the message was very difficult to speak. Hearing what she said, he immediately frowned and reprimanded, "Bastard, who is the empress dowager going to summon, and need to explain the reason to you?"

The old woman was startled, and then she knelt down and said, "The old woman dare not, so please don't be angry with the officials."

The palace servants ignored her, and only said to Hu Sanniang, "Madam, please come with us. Don't worry, the Empress Dowager is kind and will not criticize you at will."

Hu Sanniang should be, and followed him out of the posthouse.

Not long after, the Empress Dowager and Yan Shu in Ci'an Palace finally met the person in the script.

Looking carefully, I saw that this woman was about twenty years old, and she was indeed very beautiful, but there was a slightly sad expression between her brows, obviously life was not going well.

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