Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

What, still squinting? ? ?

Yu Wenlan's eyebrows twitched, couldn't she see it? ? ?

Trying to think about Cheng Engong's appearance...

Yu Wenlan was shocked, and said to Liandong, "You guys go down first."

Lian Dong Lian Xin and the others were trembling, and when they heard the words, they felt as if they had received an amnesty, so they should have immediately left the hall.

The hall was finally quiet, and Yu Wenlan was about to speak when Yan Shu exclaimed, "It's going to be muddled!"

After speaking, he ran towards the charcoal cage in three steps and two steps.

The charcoal cage was on fire, Yan Shu quickly flipped things over, and when she saw something baked, she put it in her mouth. While eating, she sighed, "You have to eat tofu while it's hot! Hoo hoo!"

The potato chips had also been roasted until they were crispy. She tasted a piece, and it tasted like potato chips.

The best thing is the steamed bun slices, which are fragrant, crunchy and delicious.

After eating like this for a while, she suddenly thought of someone, looked up and saw the emperor looking at her quietly.

Yan Shu, "..."

What does this look mean?


So she coughed, "Your Majesty, don't you really want to try it? It's delicious."

Tsk, to eat or not is to say something! If she doesn't eat any more, she will be finished.

Unexpectedly, I just finished complaining, but saw him suddenly say, "Okay."

As he spoke, he picked up the chopsticks and ate the tofu directly.

Well, it's hot!

This is Yu Wenlan's first feeling.

However, it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the salty and spicy flavor of the seasoning is mixed with the bean flavor of the tofu itself, which is really good.

After eating the tofu, I saw Yan Shu was chewing potato chips, making a crisp sound between her lips and teeth.

He also tried it, um, unexpectedly, the potatoes made in this way tasted full of burnt aroma, and it was really interesting.

After eating the potatoes, he said again, "What else?" His tone was expectant.

Yan Shu handed him a steamed bun, "Your Majesty, try this."

Yu Wenlan took it, still a little skeptical, is this delicious?

But seeing how delicious she was, he reluctantly gave it a try, but his eyes lit up.

The seasoning and oil on the surface of the steamed buns after frying form a crispy shell, while the inside is still soft, crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, full of wheat aroma and rich in taste.

After eating the steamed buns, Yan Shu broke another piece of sweet potato for him, it was sweet and dense, and it was as sweet as honey when he took a bite.

The two of them ate together like this, and within two quarters of an hour, all the ingredients were successfully eliminated.

Yu Wenlan was still a little unsure, and asked, "It's gone?"

Yan Shu nodded, "It's all finished."

For supper, don't be too full, just satisfy your gluttony.

As she spoke, she suddenly remembered something important, and asked him, "Isn't Your Majesty unable to come to the harem for the past three days? Why did you come here tonight?"

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