Chapter 26-27

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Chapter 26

Yu Wenlan really didn't expect that Yan Shu even knew the location of Wei Ruzhang's Tibetans.

After all, Jin Yiwei hasn't come to report to him yet...

Just when he was shocked, he heard Fu Hai say at the door, "Your Majesty, the Minister of Honglu Temple is asking to see you."

Immediately afterwards, Yan Shu said, "The concubine will not bother His Majesty, and I will leave first."

As he said that, he looked at the stew pot on the table again, showing an embarrassing smile, and said, "The concubine should make another pot for you to drink at night."

Tsk, looking at the dark color, it's better not to poison the emperor.

Yu Wenlan, "..."

Although he was still puzzled, he couldn't think of how to ask her for a while.

He could only nod his head and watched her go out the door again with the pot of soup.

After a while, I saw the Minister of Honglu Temple coming in to report, "Your Majesty, the King of Liaodong has arrived in Gyeonggi and is expected to enter the city tomorrow. The welcome banquet will be held tomorrow evening. I wonder what your Majesty thinks?"

Yu Wenlan had other things on her mind at this moment, so she just responded casually, "Yes."

The Minister of Honglu Temple then resigned.

The room was quiet, Yu Wenlan thought for a while, then called Jin Yiwei to the front, and asked, "Have you found out where Wei Ruzhang is keeping him?"

Just listen to Jin Yiwei, "I just got the news, it should be Guitian Farm in Xiawei Mansion, Daqing Mountain, on the outskirts of Beijing."

Yu Wenlan paused.

She hit it off again.

If those things in the past were all old things, she might have heard them from other places, but this one happened in the future.

Could it be... Does she have any abilities that are different from ordinary people?

Just as he was thinking, he heard Jin Yiwei ask from the side, "Your Majesty, do you want to go there now to save people?"

Yu Wenlan came back to her senses and said, "Get ready first, and wait for Wei Ruzhang to show up before doing anything."

After all, to catch thieves and seize stolen goods, there must be conclusive evidence in order to convince the public.

Jin Yiwei should be.


In the afternoon, a carriage drove into Guitian Farm at the foot of Daqing Mountain in the suburbs of Beijing.

Wei Ruzhang, a scholar of the Wenhua Pavilion, wore a cloak to cover half of his face, and was led by his servants into a dark woodshed in the village.

At this time, there was a person in the room with his hands tied behind his back, blindfolded and kneeling on the ground. It was none other than the missing bookseller.

Hearing the movement, he immediately panicked, "I have no grievances or enmity with you, I don't know why you want to arrest me? If you want money, you can ask my family to send it, or if you want a bookstore, I can also worship it. I just beg Your Excellency not to hurt my life, I have old parents and young children in my family, please forgive me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a person said fiercely, "Where is there so much nonsense! How can our Patriarch be short of your money?"

The bookseller was taken aback, and said in a crying voice, "Then what do you want?"

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