Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Hearing Fu Hai's words at first, everyone in Ci'an Palace was shocked.

The queen mother was also taken aback, thinking that she had heard it wrong, she hurriedly asked Fu Hai, "What did you say? What girl?"

Fu Hai had no choice but to slow down his tone, and said again, "I would like to report to the Empress Dowager, the matter is like this, didn't General Dingyuan fall off his horse last night and was injured? His Majesty was very concerned, so he sent someone to investigate the matter. It turns out that this matter is related to Marquis Pingjin."

What, Marquis of Pingjin?

The Queen Mother was taken aback for another moment, then hurriedly said, "What does this matter have to do with him?"

Fu Hai had no choice but to explain, "Because His Majesty sent Jin Yiwei to track down the person who attacked the general last night. According to this person, Marquis Pingjin arranged for him to attack the general."

The queen mother was taken aback again, and frowned, "Why did Marquis Pingjin attack General Dingyuan? Isn't he Anbang's brother-in-law?"

Yan Shu silently sympathized with the queen mother, after all, she only wrote the story of the real and fake daughter in the book, and did not explain other things about the scumbag Pingjin Marquis Huo Chengji, so the queen mother may be a little surprised at the moment.

But Fuhai said again, "Your Majesty is still asking people to investigate why Marquis Pingjin sent people to attack General Yu, but the most important thing right now is that when Jin Yiwei found Marquis Pingjin, he was not at home, but in the outer room." ."


The queen mother was taken aback again, "Huo Chengji actually has an outside room?"

Yanshu, "..."

Poor queen, tsk.

And Fu Hai had no choice but to nod again, "This is what Pingjinhou's cronies told me. That woman is indeed Pingjinhou's concubine, and she has been raising her for more than ten years."

Probably experienced too many surprises today, the queen mother finally couldn't hold back her emotions when she said this, and said, "This bastard!"

Yan Shu hurriedly followed the crowd and lowered her head, pretending not to hear.

Seeing it in her eyes, the queen mother calmed down, and asked Fu Hai, "Then what does this have to do with the girl you mentioned just now?"

Fu Hai hurriedly said again, "Because it was about the injury of the general, it was really serious. Jin Yiwei interrogated Marquis Pingjin, the other room and the rest of the servants, who would have thought that the personal servant girl in the outer room actually confessed, and now That girl from the Huo family is not Mrs. Huo's own flesh and blood, it turned out that the Marquis of Pingjin exchanged his daughter from the outer room for his own daughter, but sent his daughter to a farmer named Peng."


The Queen Mother was too shocked to speak.

Fu Hai said again, "The matter is of great importance. Your Majesty immediately ordered people to follow the clues to find the farmer's house surnamed Peng, and found that the other party really adopted a baby girl more than ten years ago. It seems to be Mrs. Huo's own flesh and blood. ."


The queen mother was shocked and puzzled.

—So the storybook I just heard was about my cousin? ? ?

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