Chapter 35-36

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Chapter 35

There is such a thing? ? ?

The king is in shock again...

Could it be that the grandson of Shangshu Erfang of the Ministry of Rites... is actually his son? ? ?

Yu Wenlan tried to ask, "Is that true? That child belongs to that old man?"

But Yan Shu nodded and said, "Of course it's true. Because that son is weak, he can't have children at all, so the child must belong to his father!"

【Look, it's just a story that shocked you so much. If you knew that this was a real thing that happened in the Ministry of Rites, you wouldn't be scared to death? 】

Yu Wenlan, "..."

It turned out to be true!

This Minister of Rites is so absurd! !

He tried his best to hide his shock and anger, and asked again, "Then, didn't anyone at home find out?"

Yan Shu said, "This old man is the head of the family. His wife passed away many years ago, so no one cares about him. Even if there are a few servants in the family who know about it, they dare not tell. What's more, the old man's appearance is very dignified. People have never thought that he would be so morally depraved and shameless! He usually favors this grandson, and outsiders only think that he is sympathetic to his son's weakness, so he attaches great importance to his grandson."

Hearing the words, Yu Wenlan thought about it secretly, and it seems that he has indeed heard that the old man in the Ministry of Rites loves his little grandson very much.

So this is the reason? ? ?

Tsk, it's too ridiculous, too ridiculous, too ridiculous!

He tried his best to calm himself down, and then heard Yan Shu continue, "Of course, the son himself also found out about this, so he ran away from home in anger, and went out to fight on his own. Later, he was lucky enough to meet a quack doctor , take good care of your body gradually, and make your family business bigger and bigger."

This is obviously another plot she added. Yu Wenlan nodded and asked, "What about his father?"

Yan Shu said, "As the saying goes, if you want people to not know, unless you don't do it yourself, then the father-in-law and daughter-in-law are too absurd, and one day the matter will be revealed, and the world will despise it, and the rest of the family will draw a line with them in anger. The mansion gradually fell into disrepair. When the old man saw that he could not survive, he remembered to regret his son, and came to the door several times to beg."

Yu Wenlan raised her eyebrows, "Then his son forgave him?"

"of course not!"

Yan Shu said, "How can this kind of thing be forgiven? Of course the son doesn't show any emotion. Later, the daughter-in-law had the cheek to beg him, and he asked someone to throw her out and let her fend for herself."

Yu Wenlan sighed, "It would be great if this is the case. People in the world often can't tell right from wrong, especially when they are bound by family affection."

"Who said no?"

Yan Shu also said, "That's why the book is meant to break free from the shackles of reality. It's difficult to achieve in reality, and it can be realized in stories, so that people who read it will feel more at ease."

Then he asked him, "What do you think of this story, Your Majesty?"

Yu Wenlan hummed, "Not bad."

Then she said hastily, "Then please ask your majesty to help your concubine deliver it to Xueshi Zou, and ask the bookseller to give it."

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