Chapter 33-34

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Chapter 33

After eating such an interesting melon, you must eat it carefully.

Yan Shu immediately withdrew her thoughts from the intriguing banquet, and said to the system, 【The eldest princess is so powerful, how dare her son-in-law take care of the outer room? Could it be that he has eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard? 】

At this moment, Yu Wenlan, who was feeling bored with Concubine Zhou, Concubine Ning, Empress Dowager and the eldest princess, said, "???"


Zhao Chengwen took care of the outside room?

The system said unhurriedly, 【This has to start with the son-in-law Zhao Chengwen. He was born in Tanhua back then. I fell in love with it, and immediately went to ask her the emperor's father for a marriage decree. 】

Yanshu tut tut, [Also, who can **** the emperor's daughter? 】

But what does this have to do with his taking care of the outer room?

But the system said again, 【Actually, this son-in-law used to have a house that he liked very much, but the eldest princess must not tolerate sand, so before the two got married, his family gave the house to him. sent out. Zhao Chengwen felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't disobey the imperial decree, so that's all he could do. 】

[At the beginning, he still thought that the eldest princess was noble and beautiful, but after getting along, he realized that the eldest princess has too strong a personality, and the family is fundamentally inferior to women and men. How can Tan Hualang, the son of his dignified family, be willing to compromise? 】

[At this time, I remembered the original Tongfang again, so I secretly sent someone to look for it. After finding it, the son-in-law bought a house and settled it down. 】

Yan Shu, [It seems that this first outer room is an unforgettable old love, what about the others? 】

Yu Wenlan, who was listening, [? ? ? Unforgettable old love? still got more? ? ? 】

The system continued, 【This son-in-law has tasted the sweetness after taking care of him once, and he is really aggrieved in front of the eldest princess. It's just that he can't regain his confidence because of an outside room! So soon another young and beautiful Yangzhou skinny horse was found and placed in another yard. 】

Yan Shu, [It turns out that the second person is from Yangzhou, so what else? 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

and also?

System, [After the second one, within half a year, he bought another singer from Jinling; later on, he bought another one from the matchmaker, who was just ready to grow... Over time, he became addicted. 】

Yan Shu,【...Is this thing addictive? Do the math, Tongfang, Shouma, Diva, and the last one raised... There are four outer rooms, plus the eldest princess at home... This is even richer than the emperor! Is he busy with so much work? Didn't the eldest princess find out? 】

Yu Wenlan, "???"

What does it mean to be richer than him? ? ?

He cast his gaze aside calmly, but seeing that Zhao Chengwen was serving dishes to the eldest princess with a considerate face, he couldn't see such a cowardly person at all.

System, [Eldest Princess never thought he would be so courageous. Besides, he is a talented person. Eldest Princess often goes out to socialize and have fun, and is rarely at home. He has been serving for so many years, so it's okay to find a spare time. 】

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