Chapter 19-20

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Chapter 19

After Yu Wenlan left, Yan Shu ate a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus cheese, two white jade cakes, and a bowl of beef pith soup.

This breakfast is really enough to make up for it. After eating, my body will be warm from the inside out.

I didn't expect to be so energetic when I started writing the script, and I didn't feel hungry until noon when I wrote in one breath.

After taking a nap in the afternoon, I got up and continued to write the storybook. Recently, I wrote smoothly, and I saw that I wrote it in one breath until the evening.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Liandong came to the table to light the lamp, and seeing her rubbing her eyes, she hurriedly advised, "You've been writing all day, you should rest your eyes."

Yan Shu groaned, blinked and said, "I'm really tired."

Liandong said, "Then write again tomorrow, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Yan Shu rubbed her belly, feeling that she hadn't finished digesting the morning meal, so she said, "I'm still not too hungry, let's have a bowl of soup."

Liandong agreed, so he sent someone to the dining room to deliver the message, and not long after, the hot chicken soup arrived.

This chicken soup is still stewed with black-bone chicken, with longan, red dates and goji berries in it. It is delicious and sweet. After Yan Shu drank a bowl, she felt that it was ironing in her stomach.

However, her eyes were still uncomfortable, so she rubbed them again, and they seemed to be a little swollen.

Tsk, it seems that you really used your eyes too much today?

After thinking about it, she simply took a bath and planned to relax.

However, after washing it, her eyes were still uncomfortable, so she rubbed it twice.

Immediately afterwards, Liandong looked at her in shock, "Master, your eyes!"

She was startled, and hurriedly went to the mirror to look, only to find that there was a small pimple on the lid of her right eye, which was red and swollen.

Lian Dong was even more anxious than she was, "How could it be so good? Could it be someone's evil hand?"


Yan Shu, "...No way."

If anything happens, the system will remind her.

She then called the system, [Total, why is there a bag on my eyelid? 】

System, 【Not in the business scope of this system, I suggest you see a doctor yourself. 】

Yanshu, "..."

It didn't look like anyone was trying to kill her.

She had no choice but to order, "Go find a doctor and have a look."

Lian Dong should be, hurriedly went to the imperial medicine department to find someone.

At this time, the Tai Hospital is already on duty, and only there are doctors there.

It didn't take long to see her leading the people, but her face was a bit embarrassed.

Yan Shu looked her up and said, "What's wrong?"

Liandong Fu whispered in her ear, "There is only one imperial doctor on duty tonight, and I happened to go to the Empress Dowager's Palace to ask for pulse, and this is the only doctor."

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