Chapter 47-48

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Chapter 47

What, divorce?

When the little **** said this, everyone was taken aback.

Yan Shu also forgot the roast duck she just rolled in her hand, and hurriedly looked up.

what's going on?

That son of Duke An of Qin, who knew he had a green hat for a long time, actually wanted to divorce his wife?

And right now in the palace? ? ?

...did she miss something important? ? ?

Of course, the most astonished people in the palace at this time were Mrs. Qin An Gong and his daughter-in-law Yue Shi.

Hearing this, Mrs. Qin An was stunned, and then said, "Why is this child so drunk? What kind of nonsense are you talking about?"

And looking at Yue Shi again, his face was full of embarrassment.

In embarrassment, he looked at his mother-in-law with some grievances and said, "Mother, how could the son be so drunk?"

The queen mother was also wondering, and asked, "Akang has been honest since he was a child, why did he suddenly say such things?"

The little **** who came to report the letter had a puzzled look on his face, "I don't know about this, so please forgive me."

Seeing this scene, the Queen Mother had no choice but to look at the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and said, "Forget it, since His Majesty has spoken, you go and have a look."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had no choice but to get up.

But the queen mother ordered Lan He, the palace maid who was serving the banquet, "You also go and have a look."

Lan He should be, so he went with the two of them.

As a result, only the Queen Mother, Yan Shu, Concubine Zhou, Wang Zhaoyi, Qin Angong's daughter Qiao Shi, and the daughter of the Yue family who followed her sister to the palace were left at the banquet.

Yan Shu also admired this girl very much. She was the empress dowager's niece after all, and they had something to say to each other. She followed her sister into the palace to have dinner, and she was able to sit still when her sister left.

Tsk, is also a very motivated talent.


She couldn't sit still.

What happened in Xiangyun Temple?

Then the son of Duke An of Qin wants to divorce his wife?

Judging from her years of eating melons, something must have happened!

Maybe something exciting will happen later...

She really wants to go and have a look! !

Thinking about it this way, even the roast duck in his hand is not delicious.

Reluctantly drank another bowl of hot, sour and delicious fish soup, but seeing Lan He returning in a hurry, she panted and said to the Queen Mother, "Madam, no, it's not good, the son of Duke An of Qin just saw Mrs. Shizi, and immediately rushed to pinch her." Touching her neck and saying that she will kill her...Your Majesty, please go there too."

What? !

Everyone in the hall almost spoke in unison.

Only Yan Shu's eyes lit up immediately - she guessed right, it was already so exciting! !

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