Chapter 91-92

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Chapter 91


Prince Gao Li was assassinated?

Hearing the news, Yu Wenlan woke up suddenly from sleep, immediately got out of bed, went to the outside room a few steps, and said, "What's going on? Come in and talk!"

Seeing Fu Hai hurriedly opened the door and came in, he said anxiously, "Your Majesty, General Zhong Lang from the envoy's post just came to report that there was a murder in the envoy's post tonight. After some time, it was discovered that Prince Gaoli had been stabbed in the lower abdomen, and the blood flowed all over the ground..."

Knife in the belly?

Yu Wenlan asked anxiously, "How are people doing now?"

Fu Hai hurriedly replied, "It is said that the doctor at the post station is treating, but the blood is bleeding a bit, I'm afraid it will be more or less ominous..."

How bad is bad?

Yu Wenlan frowned.


At the same time, on the couch in the inner room, Yan Shu was still in a daze. She turned over and planned to continue sleeping, but she heard a ding from the system, [Hey, Prince Gao Li was stabbed, this melon is not edible.] eat? 】

What? Prince Gao Li was stabbed?

She just woke up completely, and immediately opened her eyes wide and said, 【Eat, eat, eat! Tell me what's going on! 】

—Good guy, could it be that Princess Gao Li just hit a straight ball and stabbed her husband when she saw that the maid couldn't send it out?

But the system said, 【That can't be done, Princess Gao Li can only do this unless she doesn't want to live, besides, the people around her are not so loyal, who would dare to stab the prince of a country for her? Accidentally stabbed to death, wouldn't she become a widow? 】

This made sense, but Yan Shu didn't understand, [Who stabbed that? There can't really be assassins! 】

System, 【They are the two "shemale" from Dongwo, not assassins. 】


Shemale poked it?

Yan Shu was dumbfounded when she heard that, 【The **** is so good, why did she poke Gao Li's face? How did they get a piece? ? ? 】

System, 【...You said he was a **** critic, so why not ask? 】

Yan Shu was stunned for a moment, and thought about it, 【Could it be that the pervert fell in love with those two monsters, and the Eastern Wa Kingdom wanted to make trouble, so they stabbed them? 】

System, [that's what happened. Then Li Taichu had taken a fancy to those two transgressors the night before when they showed up, and it happened that the emperor didn't want them, so he sent someone to hook them up these two days, so he called them into the room at night when no one was around. In the end, before he could do anything, he found out that something was wrong with those two people, and Li Taichu was so scared that he screamed, and then the two monsters took advantage of the situation and stabbed him. Fortunately, the guards in the post house reacted quickly and rushed over immediately when they heard the cry, otherwise this guy would have been stabbed to death by those two. 】

Yanshu, [...]

What, that color batch screamed in fright?

Tsk, what a picture.

Emma reckoned that this was the first time Prince Gaoli had seen this, and the psychological shock might not be over for a while.

Fortunately, it's not her little emperor, it's so dangerous.

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