Chapter 17-18

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Chapter 17

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised.

How could someone be so bold?

Yu Wenlan said, "Bring it up."

Fu Hai should be, and hurriedly ordered people to bring a young **** who was **** to the imperial court.

The little eunuch, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, was frightened and kowtowed desperately, "Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty please forgive me..."

Concubine Ning, Concubine Li and the others all changed their expressions immediately.

It's broken, why did Xiao Takako find out?

Yu Wenlan only asked the little eunuch, "Who ordered you to spy on me?"

The little **** tremblingly said, "Yes... yes..."

At a critical moment, Concubine Ning suddenly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down. It was Concubine Li who told my concubine about your injury a few days ago, and this concubine is also concerned about your dragon body..."


Concubine Li's face turned pale, and she said in surprise, "Concubine Ning, you..."

"shut up!"

Concubine Ning reprimanded sharply, "You are so bold and out of control that you dare to inquire about His Majesty's affairs? Don't you know what the consequences will be?"

As he spoke, he cast warning eyes.

The eldest princess Yu Wenyan also cast a cold glance.

Li Pin was startled, but actually hesitated.

-Her aunt had just reconciled with Marquis Linwu, and how could her down-and-out natal family compete with the eldest princess?

But if she confessed, it would be a serious crime!

Unwilling to be reconciled, she searched the palace quietly, and her eyes fell on Marquis Linwu and his grandson Zhanpeng.

That was her former uncle, and Zhan Peng was also born by her own aunt. In view of this relationship, will he speak for her?

However, Marquis Linwu didn't look at her at all, and his expression was cold and indifferent.

She looked at her cousin Sun Zhanpeng again, but saw that the young man hesitated for a moment, and then looked away.

Lipin was desperate.

She has been attached to Concubine Ning all these years, and everything she owns is based on Concubine Ning's relationship. Now Concubine Ning wants her to take the blame, and no one will help her at all.

So she could only kneel down and cry, "The concubine is only worried about your majesty's dragon body, please be merciful, please forgive me this time..."

But Fuhai said again, "Your Majesty, there is one more thing. Yesterday, a maid from Ganlu Palace poisoned Li Guiyi's face water in an attempt to damage Li Guiyi's appearance. Fortunately, Li Guiyi found out in time and was not poisoned by him. After interrogation, the The maid said that she was instructed by Empress Lipin."

After the words fell, Yan Shu finally knew who hurt her this time.

Of course, Fu Hai is indeed an old fritter, seeing that Concubine Li is unable to recover at this time, she said this matter, of course she can't argue with it.

And looking at Concubine Li, she really wanted to say something, but she finally didn't say it.

After a while, the king said coldly, "Put it in the cold palace, so as to scare others."

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