Chapter 95-96

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Chapter 95

A bookstore, if it doesn't manage well and only thinks of crooked ways, naturally it needs to be managed well.

But before Yu Wenlan could speak, Yan Shu received a message from the system—

[Speaking of this Zhao Jingshi, there is also a story. 】

Yan Shu immediately regained her spirits when she heard the words, 【What story? 】

The system said, 【This person was not originally named Zhao, but Wei, and he was not a native of the capital either. Back then, Bamian Bookstore was founded by a businessman named Zhao Hairong. This Zhao Hairong is a native of the capital. There are not many bookstores, and this old Zhao is quite kind, so the business has been good, but Lao Zhao has no sons, only two daughters at home, so he can't help with business, so Lao Zhao took an apprentice, this is It's time for Wei Jing. 】

[This Wei Jingshi is very good at things, and he was more capable at the beginning. Lao Zhao still liked him very much. Later, when he saw this man was lonely and helpless, he recognized him as a godson and helped him buy a house in the capital. home. 】

Yan Shu couldn't help sighing when she heard the words, 【Old Zhao is quite kind to treat his godson like this. 】

System, [Indeed, it's a pity that this person's eyesight is a bit bad, and he didn't realize that this person surnamed Wei is actually a Zhongshan wolf. Lao Zhao's wife left early, and his daughters also married off later. They live alone and like to drink. Drinking and drinking made my health bad, and I died suddenly when I was only in my fifties. The two daughters were sad and came back to attend to their father's funeral. At this time, they found that Wei Jingshi had changed his name to Zhao Jingshi, and even wore hemp and filial piety to act as dutiful sons for their father, blatantly declaring that his godfather had taken care of him during his lifetime. He adopted and became the heir. 】

Yan Shu, I went, [Is this planning to inherit Lao Zhao's inheritance? is this real? Lao Zhao really did this? 】

System, [That must be fake! Old Zhao is not stupid, he has his own daughter, can he give his property to outsiders in a decent manner? Besides, even if you really want to do this, you must let your daughter know. Can such a big matter be kept from my daughter? 】

Yan Shu also said, 【That is to say, do the two girls of the Zhao family believe what this person is doing now? 】

System, [Of course I didn't believe it at first, but it could be said that Wei Jingshi's intentions were not right. He had quietly prepared all kinds of documents when his godfather was still alive, and took advantage of Lao Zhao's frequent sleep when he was drunk. , quietly sneaked into Lao Zhao's house, took Lao Zhao's hand, pressed his fingerprints, and bribed the officials in advance. At this time, he took out all these false evidences and forced the two girls of Zhao's family to go to the Yamen to file a complaint. It didn't work, and in the end, he could only watch helplessly as his natal family's property was taken over by this person. 】

Yan Shu couldn't help shaking her head, 【Sure enough, it's another ungrateful Zhongshan wolf. This is on par with Zhang Shengkang who bullied his master and exterminated his ancestors! You don't even have to give up your own surname for the sake of some money, it really is possible to do such a despicable trick! 】

No, even if the ancestors of the Wei family and the godfather Lao Zhao's spirit in heaven could bear this kind of person, she couldn't bear it either!

She immediately said to Yu Wenlan, "Your Majesty, I heard that the owner of Bamian Bookstore has done other immoral things, and Rong Chenqie should pick him up so that his ugly face will be spurned by the world first." Not too late!"

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