Chapter 103-104

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Chapter 103

What? The whole family has dirty things?

What kind of family is this!

Immediately, Yan Shu was very interested and said, 【Then tell me quickly, what's going on? 】

Anyway, it's still early, and there's plenty of work to do today.

Unexpectedly, the system asked her, 【Then who should start first? 】

Yan Shu, [...]

Well, there are too many melons, where to start eating becomes a problem.

She thought for a while, and said, [Then start from big to small, starting with Qi Guogong. 】

But when the system answered OK, it immediately started to work—

[The melons of the Duke of Qi have to start with the sons of Emperor Gaozu, that is, the brothers of the first emperor. As we all know, the first emperor had five brothers in total, among them, only he and the youngest king of Beiliang were the direct sons of Emperor Gaozu, that is, the nephew of Duke Qi. Although both of them are relative nephews of Duke Qi, in fact, Duke Qi is more partial to King Beiliang in his heart. Why, because the King of Beiliang married the daughter of his brother-in-law Andinghou. 】

Yan Shu was afraid that she would be confused, so she followed the clues first, 【That is to say, Mrs. Qi Guogong's niece from her natal family married the King of Beiliang and became a princess? They were kissed and married, so this Qi Guogong is more inclined to his little nephew King Beiliang. 】

The system said it was right, [Anyway, it is the Duke of Qi, Marquis Anding and the King of Beiliang formed an interest group. For the position of heir, the King of Beiliang secretly competed with the late emperor. But no matter what, the first emperor was the elder brother after all, and finally ascended the throne justifiably. However, the King of Beiliang had actually planned for a long time, planning to rebel in the name of the former emperor's false inheritance edict. 】

Hearing this, Yan Shu raised her eyebrows again, [Then as a main member of the interest group, Qi Guogong should know about this, right? 】

The system said, 【Then you must know, and you have contributed a lot to the Beiliang King's case. However, the former emperor and the queen mother were not vegetarians, and they had already made preparations. After some comparison, it was found that the king of Beiliang had no chance of winning, so he immediately sold the king of Beiliang in front of the late emperor, and secretly dealt with all the cronies around him who knew about it, and took the credit as a firm supporter of the late emperor. 】

Yanshu. 【...Then the king of Beiliang died before he left the army? 】

System, [Then die, how can the late emperor tolerate such a big matter as treason? 】

Yan Shu,【...The other member of the interest group, how about Qi Guogong's brother-in-law? 】

System, [Gong Qi sold him together, and this brother-in-law was buried with the King of Beiliang along with his father-in-law and his family. 】

Yan Shu, 【...What a ruthless person! Doesn't Mrs. Qi Guogong hate her husband to death? 】

Tsk, after all, Qi Guogong found out what was wrong at the beginning. If he could persuade his brother-in-law to stop the car, it might be possible to prevent the death of the old man and his family, right?

But the system said, [Then you think too much, it is absolutely impossible for Qi Guogong to persuade his brother-in-law to brake. After all, the first emperor also knew that he was closer to the King of Beiliang, and after he ascended the throne, he would definitely be on guard against him. What is the name of a pro-uncle? Therefore, only by betraying his brother-in-law can he show enough loyalty and sincerity to make the late emperor trust him. So even if his wife hates him to death, he has to do the same. 】

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