Chapter 127-128 [EXTRA]

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Chapter 127 - [Empress Dowager Rebirth]

It was dawn, and the backyard of the General Protector's Mansion was already noisy.

Sixteen-year-old Zhou Ruolan opened her eyes and woke up from her sleep.

It's like having a long dream. In a blink of an eye, she actually returned to the girl's time.

Yes, at present, she is not the empress dowager who has been scromant.

Instead, Zhou Ruolan, the eldest girl who also has her own real name, the general's mansion.

A noisy noise faintly spread to the room. She came to her senses, opened the bed curtain, and called the maid to ask, "What's the matter?"

The maid hurriedly said, "I heard that the prince sneaked out of the college to drink last night and was caught by the housekeeper. The lady is teaching a lesson in the yard these days."

Zhou Ruolan calmed down for the time being and got out of bed and said, "Dress up, I'll go and have a look."

When Zhou Ruolan stepped out of the door, it was a little dawn again.

But her younger brother Zhou Yucheng still knelt in the yard, and her mother, Mrs. Zhou, still stood beside her and scolded and cried.

Zhou Ruolan walked a few steps to the front, and in no reason, she raised the whip in her hand and pulled up to Zhou Yucheng.

Zhou Yucheng, who was originally cocooned, was coldly squirmed. She immediately shouted. Mrs. Zhou was also shocked. She hurried forward to stop her and asked, "Ruolan, what are you doing?"

Zhou Ruolan said calmly, "He did something wrong. His daughter is teaching him a lesson for you."

Mrs. Zhou choked and said hurriedly, "This whip is too fierce. Be careful not to break it."

When the words fell, Zhou Yu howled again when she was established, and her voice was louder than before.

Zhou Ruolan said coldly, "If he is not cruel or long-remembered, he dares to go out to drink wine at a young age, not to mention the face of our Zhou family. Once he is let go, what will he look like in the future? How many lessons have you learned so painlessly since you were a child? Has he improved? To say something unpleasant, Ah Cheng has already pinched you. Every time he makes a mistake, you scold a few words. If he cries twice, you will be soft-hearted. Next time, he will still commit it, and the crime will be more serious. If you want to cure him, you should be cruel, beat him a few times, and cure his problem at a time.

As soon as he said this, Zhou Yucheng was shocked and quickly knelt down to Mrs. Zhou and shouted for help, "Isn't the eldest sister the evil mother? She's going to beat me to death!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Ruolan immediately threw down two more whips and said angrily, "Shut up, you are a man. What else can you do besides causing trouble to your family? Now that your parents are protecting you, who will take care of you after your parents are a hundred years?

The hatred of the previous life and this life was superimposed, and she was asked to do it without mercy. She only slapped the unstinky stinky boy and rolled all over the ground. This scene also shocked Mrs. Zhou, but she couldn't stop it when she saw it. She couldn't help it, so she had to run to the front yard to find her husband.

So, after squeaming enough of the bastard brother, Zhou Ruolan came to her father again.

Just after listening to his wife's crying, Zhou Pengze, the general of the protectorate, asked his daughter in a low voice, "I heard that you just rebelling against your mother. Why on earth?"

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