It's Not Over

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Ricky ended the call and Michelle was furious. "What the Hell?" She asked.

"HOW?" I asked.

"He's fucking crazy!" Michelle replied.

"I was finally happy!" I said.

"It won't be like before, I promise. We got you." She said. "I'm so scared! You don't know the things he did to me!" All of the memories from 4 months ago came rushing back to my mind as the tears came crashing down my face. "Calm down. Please, I don't want you to faint again. Breathe!" Michelle yelled.

I can't possibly calm down right now. I'm a nervous wreck. My nightmare is back. "Candy, why did he say his baby? Is it possible? She asked. Shit! What if I am carrying his child, would Tony ever accept it as his own? I can't be pregnant by his crazy ass! Oh my God!

Who is the father of my baby?

"Let's get out of here, I got to call the guys." Michelle said.

I'm still in a state of shock and I can hear Michelle talking but for some reason, I can't really understand what she is saying. How could this be happening to me? I was finally happy and my life was back on track.

"He was never gone! He said he has been watching me the entire time!" I screamed.

"Candy, please calm down. We will get to the house and figure this out. Let's just get out of here." Michelle said.

Michelle helps me gather my things and we head out of the doctor's office. As we start driving to the house it dawns on me.

"Michelle, how in the hell did he know about the baby so fast?" Was there someone in the waiting room that could hear us or what? How did he know?

Michelle grips the steering wheel and you could see that she was in deep thought. "I have no idea. That's a really good question. Something just doesn't make any sense. I will feel better when we get back to the guys."

When we get to the house, I hesitate walking in. My feet freeze and I don't have a clue how to tell Tony that not only am I pregnant but Ricky is claiming me and the baby.

Michelle walks up to me and grabs my hand. "Come on, I got you. We will figure this out together. Don't worry."

The guys are in the Theater room watching the basketball game and are oblivious to the fact that we just walked into the house.

"Chris?" Michelle yelled.

I'm walking 5 steps behind her wishing I could avoid the entire scene. Feeling my apprehension, Michelle rached backed and grabbed my hand heading toward the Theater room.

We walked in the Theater room and Tony, Chris, Mike and Rob were all sitting and yelling about the game.

"Excuse me!" Michelle said

No one even looked up and I'm losing the little courage that I have to even be in the room. So I slowly start backing up, only to have Michelle snatch me back.

"EXCUSE ME!" Michelle screamed.

This was loud enough to break the hold that the game had on the guys. Chris looked up and over to see Michelle glaring at them and holding my hand.

"Hey, what's up?" Chris asked.

"Well we have a serious problem." Michelle said.

Finally Tony looks up and notices Michelle holding my hand and my sheepish disposition.

"What's the problem?" Tony asked. He responded to Michelle, but his eyes were fixed on me. I immediately lower my head as I just can't look at him.

"It's Ricky!" Michelle said.

This response caused everybody to sit up and stare in my direction. Tony stood up and still staring at me he started walking in our direction.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Tony asked.

Michelle looked at me as if queuing me to take over the conversation, but I just looked away. There is no way I'm ready to have this conversation in front of everybody.

"What the FUCK are you talking about?" Tony asked again, growing agitated. "Candy! What the fuck is going on?" Tony said.

I wish I could say something, anything, but I'm so shaken, the words just won't come out.

"CANDY!!" Tony screamed.

"Tony, she's terrified, please." Michelle said while pulling me closer to her. I could feel her support and love as she attempted to protect me from the hurt that I was going through.

"Terrified of what? What the FUCK is going on?" Tony is now becoming impatient and is now in my face. "Look at me!" He said.

Hesitantly, I looked up and could see how frustrated Tony was becoming. I see his eyes are filled with worry and it breaks my heart.

"The doctor said that I didn't have the flu." I said and then I paused but I looked at Tony who was staring and on the edge of every word.

"She said that I am...."

"YOU are What?" Tony asked.

"She said that I am pregnant Tony, Pregnant."

"Whoa!" Rob said

"Shut the fuck up Rob!" Michelle screams

My Crazy Life SequelWhere stories live. Discover now