Deja Vu

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"Mark?" I'm trying my best to think. I don't remember anyone name Mark. I look again at the guys at the door. And it dawns on me. My heart starts racing, my hands starts shaking and now I remember where I've seen these guys from before. And before I could scream and find a way out. The front door open up and walks in.....


'What's up Sunshine?"

This cannot be happening, I am not standing here looking at my real life nightmare. Panic has completely taken over my body and I'm unable to move.

"No....what are you doing here?" I said as tears begin to flood my eyes.

"I told you I was coming for you and our baby. How is are baby doing Sunshine?"

"Ricky this is not your baby. Please just let me out."

Ricky walks up to me and pulls me by my waist closing the space between us. "I've missed you."

I attempt to wiggle from his grasp only to have him squeeze tighter reminding me who is in charge. This is too familiar for me and I'm literally getting sick.

Ricky stares at me and smiles. "Mark, do you see my Sunshine? Sexy as hell."

"Yeah I see Cuzo! The girl who caused the death of Steve." Mark said looking at me with pure anger.

"Tony and his punk ass crew jumped us but don't worry, revenge will be slow and sweet." Ricky said still staring at me.

I realize that my brother would be coming and I was so afraid of what Ricky would do to him. I try even harder to get from Ricky's grip. This angered him.

Grabbing me now by the back of my neck, He whispers in my ear.

"Sunshine don't forget who the fuck I am."

"Let's go! Everybody head to the truck." Ricky pushes me through the front door of the office still holding on to the back of my neck.

I try to resist but was not successful as Ricky would only add pressure to my neck

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I try to resist but was not successful as Ricky would only add pressure to my neck. The two guys jump in the front seat of a waiting truck as Mark, Ricky and I get into the back seat. There are three rows in the truck so I'm pushed in the last row and Mark sits in the row in front of us.

Mark is staring at me with a crazy smirk on his face. I move as far away from Ricky as I can but this has never worked before and won't now. Ricky grabs me and pulls me right next to him.

"Ricky, please just let me go!"

He only laughed and start talking to Mark as if I hadn't said a word.


Jackson walks into the doctor's office after waiting outside in the car for 15 minutes. He notices that the office is empty. He searches the rooms and finally finds the doctor in her office.

"Where is my sister?"

The doctor is visibly shaken. "I'm so sorry." She cried.

"Sorry? What the fuck are you talking about? Where is my sister?"

"These guys came in and ordered everybody out at gun point. They took Candace."

"What the hell are you saying? Somebody took my sister?"

"Sir, yes. I stayed in the office and seen the whole thing."

Jackson is so angry that knocked the computer off the doctor's desk. He picked up his phone and dialed quickly.

"Hey, do you have my sister?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Do you have my sister? Somebody just took her from her doctor's office?"

Silence filled the call.......


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