Candy's Hero

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Chris and guys just dropped Christine's body in the drive way and quickly drove off but not far from the property.

"Did you see Candy?" Tony asked Chris on the phone as he waited with 4 guys around the back of the property.

"Yeah, she was actually outside. But once we threw the body out, Lil Pete who is waiting out in the woods next to the house said Mark told her to get in the house."

"Do we know how many people are in the house?" Tony asked.

"Mark and 2 guys are outside and 2 guys are inside. But Mark is calling on reinforcements and Ricky back to the property."

"So we have a small window to get her out before they get back." Tony said.

"Yeah, so what's the orders?" Chris asked.

"Tell Lil Pete to bring the guys from the woods out front to distract them so we will go in the back and grab Candy. Once we get her safe and out. We will handle them all.

"We're on it Boss!"


Mark forced me into the house and the house is in uproar.

I run up the stairs and into the bedroom. I lock the door and pray that my baby and I stay safe.

As sit no the edge of the bed, I hear gun shots coming from the outside. I drop down to the floor and cover my head.


Now I hear what sounds like doors being banged in and gunshots inside the house.

My heart is racing and panic is setting in. Tears are falling down my face and my entire body is shaking. What the hell is going on downstairs.


Someone is calling my name coming up the stairs but I can't hear who it is with all of the commotion going on downstairs.

"CANDY?...Where are you?"

Door after door is being kicked in upstairs and finally everything goes quiet.

A voice comes close to the bedroom door. A voice that now I can recognize and I can't believe that I'm hearing it.

"Tony?" I asked.

"Open the door. It's me!" Tony said.

I run quickly to open the door. And standing right before my very tear filled eyes is Tony.


I couldn't contain my composure any longer

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I couldn't contain my composure any longer. As if the weight of the entire ordeal has finally came crashing on me, I fall into his arms and everything went black and dead silence

My Crazy Life SequelWhere stories live. Discover now