Tony's Struggle

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Ricky hung up on Tony leaving him feeling angry and frustrated.

"Boss what's up?" Mike asked.

"This shit will never end until I put a bullet in this motherfucker's head." Tony said while pacing back and forth in his office.

"What happened?" Chris asked.

"That was Ricky's punk ass. He has Candy and he's talking a lot of shit. I knew me not finishing the job that night at the club would come back to hunt me."

"Its not your fault Bro...We had to get out of there that night." Rob said.

"If I had finished the job then she would not be going through the same shit again and this time with a baby." Tony said.

"A baby?" Mike asked. "Have you noticed that you have not once said your baby?"

Tony, stopped pacing and looked over a Mike. He really hadn't paid any attention to the fact that he always saids, the baby, a baby or her baby.

"Boss, do you believe it's your baby?" Rob asked

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"Boss, do you believe it's your baby?" Rob asked.

Tony didn't say a word, he just sat down at his desk and placed his hand on his head.

"Get everybody here to the warehouse, we got moves to make." Tony screamed.


It has been one month since Ricky forced me out of the Doctor's office and into his truck. Besides his controlling behavior, he really hasn't done anything that reminds me of the past. He is gone a lot so that helps. He makes sure that I have everything I need. Today is suppose to be my follow up visit with my doctor. Ricky told me that I should get dressed and wait until he gets back.

I hope that I get an opportunity to leave this place and maybe I could find a way to escape.

After getting dressed and eating my favorite buffalo wings, potato wedges and pickles, I lay across the bed and drift off to sleep. I toss and turn a lot because my baby moves a lot. I have learned to get use to my baby moving while I try to sleep especially after I eat. I love being pregnant but I hate being in this place stuck with Ricky and his goons.

I'm awakened by the close of a door

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I'm awakened by the close of a door. I opened my eyes to see Ricky entering the room. "Wake up Sunshine."

I struggle to sit up, my balance is a little off these days.

"How did you sleep?"

"I'm fine Ricky, but I'm getting tired of this room and this house. How long could you keep me cooped up like this?"

"Listen, get fucking use to it." He screamed.

"I can't raise a baby stuck in a house. This is crazy!"

I don't know if its the hormones or I'm going stir crazy in this house, but I found myself in a yelling match.

"I suggest you shut the fuck up and remember who you are talking to. I know you are pregnant but chill the fuck out!"

It's obvious that Ricky is really getting angry, but for the first time I'm seeing him practice a little restraint.


"Let's go, I need you to meet me downstairs."

Remembering that I have a doctor's appt today, I was excited to see my baby and the chance to get away from the house and hopefully Ricky. I reached for my shoes and Ricky quickly stopped me.

"You won't need those!"

"How am suppose to go to my doctor's appt without my shoes?"

Ricky grabbed my hand and took me downstairs where I looked up to see my doctor sitting on the couch.

"What the hell is going on? Dr. Christine, what are you doing here?"

 Christine, what are you doing here?"

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From out of the kitchen walks in Mark. Now up to this point, I had been avoiding Mark as much as possible. I literally hide out in the bedroom because he scares me.

"What's up trouble maker?" Mark said staring at me.

"Ricky, what's going on?" I asked.

"Oh so you still don't know, Bro, why don't you tell your little trouble maker who Christine really is?"

I'm literally shaking at this point.

"Sunshine, I want you to meet my sister Dr. Christine."

What the FUCK!

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