I need help

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Unknown to me, Ricky had set up a room in his house just like a doctor's office. It had everything set up just like Dr. Christine's office including a sonogram scan. Once I was alone with Christine, I had an opportunity to find out more about her and Ricky. She told me that when Ricky found out that I was sick and heading to the Doctor, he made sure that I would see her. She called Ricky when I fainted and that's how he knew where I was and that I was pregnant. She made clear to me that Ricky was obsessed and that I needed to really careful with him.

"If you know all of this, why would you help him

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"If you know all of this, why would you help him. I'm terrified for myself and my baby."

"He won't hurt you or the baby!" She said.

"Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea what I've been through with your brother?"

"I know more than you know. Just do what he saids."

I'm so angry right now, I could scream. She has to be joking. Ricky has been a real life nightmare for me and she just wants me to obey him. Girl Bye! I'm determined more than ever to get the hell out here and away from all of them.

The appointment was quick and smooth. The highlight of my day was watching my little baby move on the monitor. I was even more excited to find out the gender of my baby.

We completed the visit and joined Ricky and the rest of his crew in the living room

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We completed the visit and joined Ricky and the rest of his crew in the living room. The guys were there watching a basketball game.

As I walked in the room with Christine following, all eyes were on me. See everyone knew that today was the day I found out the sex of my baby.

Ricky looked up and summons me to sit next to him as he gestured for one his guys to move and make space. I slowly walked over and sat next to Ricky.

"So, how did it go?" He asked.

"It was fine." I answered feeling like I wish I didn't have to share this moment with Ricky. I didn't even want to share this moment with Tony to be honest. After all he wasn't too excited about me being pregnant and questioned me as if I asked to snatched by Ricky and violated over and over again. I just wish this was all over.

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