The Exit Plan

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I've had enough for one day. I decided that I need some space from everyone. After finding out that I'm pregnant, not only did I find out Ricky has been stalking me for months but after telling the man that I love Tony that I'm pregnant, he questions my loyalty to him. If I had never gotten involved with him in the first place none of this would be happening.

I can only do one thing to keep everybody safe, I need to leave and disappear.

Meanwhile downstairs, Michelle and crew had walked in the living room after hearing the explosive argument.

"What happened? Where is Candy?" Michelle screamed.

"She left." Tony said as he sat down in the chair. He leaned his head down and placed his head in his hands, seeming very frustrated.

"Left? Where did she go Bro?" Chris asked as he looked around the room.

"She went upstairs..FUCK!" Tony said.

"Tony, what did you do?" Michelle asked, staring down at Tony.

"What did I do? What the fuck? This is a lot to take in. I need some time."

"Tony, she is terrified. She was crying uncontrollably when she found out that Ricky was stalking her and that he thinks the baby is his. She was scared that you wouldn't love her or the baby. She's been through a lot. You can't let her go through this shit alone." Michelle said.

"I just need time to think!" Tony screamed.

"That's some bullshit! I'm going to go check on your girl. Something you should be doing." Michelle responded.

Meanwhile upstairs, I decide to leave and there is only one place I can go.

I pick up my cell phone:


"Hey Sis, what's up?"

"Jackson, I need a favor."

"Whatever you need, you know I got you

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"Whatever you need, you know I got you. What's up?"

"I can't talk about it over the phone, but I need to stay with you for a while?"

"Are you okay?"

"I will be. I just need to get out of here."

Sis, nobody knows where I live, so you are safe with me. Do you need me to come get you?"

"I can get to you. Just give me a minute and I will call you from the car."

"Be safe Lil Sis!"

I hang up from Jackson and grab some clothes and throw them in a duffel bag. I decide to go through the kitchen and out the backyard sliding doors. There is no way I would ever be able to walk out the front door. Nobody would let me leave.

I walk out through the backyard and make it to my car

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I walk out through the backyard and make it to my car. Tony bought me a car a couple of months ago. I'm so glad that at least I have my car to get around. There is absolutely nobody outside so I jump in my car and start making my way out the driveway. Once I make it to the main street, I pick up my phone and text Jackson.

"Hey Jackson, I'm on my way!"

Michelle makes upstairs and heads to the bedroom

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Michelle makes upstairs and heads to the bedroom.

"Candy? Where are you Girl?"

She searches all the rooms upstairs and then notices that the drawers in the master bedroom were open and empty.

"TONY!" She screamed. 

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