Eye for an Eye

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Within a week, the crew had received intel on Dr. Christine.

"So what have you found out about that doctor?" Tony asked.

Lil Pete stepped up in front of Tony's desk where everybody had gathered to get updated on Dr. Christine.

"Boss, you won't believe it

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"Boss, you won't believe it. The doctor is Ricky's sister. She has been taking care of Candy from day one."

"What the fuck!" Rob screamed while pounding his hand on the side of his head.

Tony stood up and walked in the middle of the room. "So you are telling me that the bitch that has been taking care of Candy is Ricky's sister?"

"Is she even a doctor?" Mike asked.

"Yeah she is a doctor and she knew who Candy was from the very beginning. She was sent there to keep an eye on her for Ricky." Lil Pete said.

"Do we know where she lives?" Tony asked.

"We got eyes on her now, Boss!" Lil Pete responded.

"Let's head out and pay this little bitch a visit." Tony said as the crew headed out of the warehouse and loaded up in trucks.


Today I've spent most of my time alone in the room. I haven't seen Ricky too much today and that's just the way I like it. I spend most of my time eating and watching television. I'm literally bored out of my mind. I have to get out of this room but I just don't want to run into Mark and any of the other jerks in this house.

I decided that enough is an enough and if ever want to get out of this I will need to rescue myself. I have to familiarize myself with this house to find out if there are in breaches in security.

I get dressed, slide on my shoes since I can no longer fit my regular shoes due to my feet being swollen. I make my way down stairs and so far so good. There is no one in sight. I know people are here, but I don't see anyone. I survey the house and check windows and doors to see if there is anyway for me to escape quickly. I look for any laptops, computers or phones around.

Just as I was peeking my head into what looks like an office with a laptop on the desk, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Just as I was peeking my head into what looks like an office with a laptop on the desk, I felt a hand on my shoulder

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"Lost little troublemaker?" Mark said looking down at me with that eerie stare.

This guy scares the hell out of me for some reason. His presence alone is so intimated. I immediately began shaking and backing up.

"Where are you going? You know I see why Ricky is infatuated with you, you are beautiful little troublemaker."

Mark moves closer and takes his hand and slowly caress my face.

"Sexy as fuck!"

I attempt to walk pass Mark only for him to grab me by my arm and pull me closer to him.

"Let me go!" I said trying to loose myself from his grip.

"What's funny is you really think that you are in control. I have more control over you than you do of yourself and I'm not your man."

Mark pulled me by my waist causing my face to slightly touch his face.

"It will be very hard for me to control myself around you little trouble maker."

I yanked away and before he could respond we both heard Ricky enter the house.

Mark walked over to greet Ricky but Ricky had a look on his face once he seen that I was standing there.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked as he greeted Mark.

"Nothing Cuz! Your girl wanted air from the room and was wandering around the house. Isn't that right trouble maker?"

Afraid of both men before me, I just agreed and attempt to leave the scene. But, before I could get pass Ricky he grabbed me and pulled me face to face.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said. Right before I could move on to the next room, Ricky's phone began ringing. Ricky answered the phone and his voice was in panic mode. Mark was now looking at Ricky trying to see what was going on. Ricky walked away from me and Mark and began pacing back and forth in the middle of the floor. He was asking questions and screaming but I really couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Mark followed him and asked him what was going on.

Ricky pulled the phone down and looked over a Mark. "Christine is missing! The guys can't find her. She is not answering calls or anything."

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