Where's Candy

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"Jackson, where is Candy?"

"What are you talking about?" Jackson asked.

"Your fucking sister! Where is she?"

"Last time I checked, she lived with you. What happened to my sister?" Jackson responded.

"Jackson, if she contacts you let me know. If I find out you are lying we will have a problem."

"I trusted you with my sister, and not only did you let her get snatched but you don't know where she is."

"I don't have time for this, you heard what I said. Don't fucking forget who the fuck I am." Tony said and hung up.

"What the fuck did he say Boss?" Rob asked.

"He's on some shit. Do anybody know where he stays?′ Tony asked.

"He has always kept a low profile about where he stays. Nobody has been to his place." Mike said.

"Well we need to find out and locate where Ricky has been hiding so that we can keep an eye out on his ass." Tony said.

Tony picks up the phone and calls Candy phone.

Candy POV

I've been driving for awhile, Jackson lives outside of the city. I can barely focus on the road. My eyes are flooded with tears. I'm not sure if its the hormones or what, but I'm really emotional.

I hear my phone ringing and see that its Michelle calling. I would love to answer her, but it could be Tony using her phone or making her call me.

As I pull up to my brother's place, my phone rings again and this time it is actually Tony. There is no way I can talk to him. Hearing his voice always breaks me down. I just can't say no to him.

My brother has a lower level garage and it opens up when I pull up. He must be watching me pull up. I feel safe and better already.

I gather my bags and head toward the front door

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I gather my bags and head toward the front door. And there he is, Jackson with a look of concern on his face.

"Hey Lil Sis!′

"Hey Jackson. Thanks for letting me stay here."

"You don't have to thank me, I would do anything for you. Give me those bags."

Jackson and I walk into his beautiful house. He moved out of the city a couple months ago to stay low.

"Sit down on the couch and relax. I'm going to put your bags in the room."

When Jackson came out of the room, he sat next to me on the couch.

"Now tell me everything!" Jackson said.

I decided to tell Jackson everything. And I mean everything. There are things that he didn't now about Ricky and what he did to me and how traumatic it was. Jackson just sat there listening to me with anger and hurt on his face. The more I tell him, the more emotional I get. The pain is so deep. Jackson pulls me close and gives me a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I should have protected you from all of them. Got you out of that shit when I first found out you was dating Tony."

"It's not your fault Jackson. I love Tony and wanted to be with him. It just got real crazy real fast."

"I'm so scared Jackson. Ricky is crazy. And I just don't know what I will do if he comes back."

"You don't have to worry about anything. I got you Sis!"

Jackson and I talked for what felt like hours. My mommy hormones kicked in and became hungry really fast. Jackson told me to order whatever I wanted and that's just what I did.

We ate Pizza and buffalo wings with blue cheese. Jackson made fun of the way I smashed my food. He said he never seen me eat like that before. Just as I was getting ready to head to bed, my phone text message alert rang. I looked down to see who it was now.


Michelle: Are you okay? Please answer me.

Candy: Yes!

Michelle: OMG! I was so worried about you. Where are you?

Candy: You know I love you, but if I tell you where I am, then the crew will know.

Michelle: I just want to make sure you are okay. I thought maybe Ricky got you. I was scared to death.

Candy: No, I am safe.

Michelle: I cussed Tony's ass out. I can't believe he fucking did that to you.

Candy: I'm done with that and him. He actually asked me if I had been talking to Ricky. He's fucking crazy. I'm moving on.

Michelle: What about the baby?

Candy: He doesn't care about me or my baby. So Fuck him.

Michelle: You know that's not true. He just an idiot. You will be safer here.

Candy: I'm safe. I have to go. Talk to you soon.

Michelle was so focused on chatting with Candy, that she didn't notice Chris and Tony walking up looking over her shoulders.

"Where the fuck is she?" Tony asked. 


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