Truth Revealed

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"Oh so you still don't know, Bro, why don't you tell you little trouble maker who Christine really is?"

I'm literally shaking at this point.

"Sunshine, I want you to meet my sister Dr. Christine."

What the FUCK!

His sister? My head is spinning and I'm beginning to feel a little light headed. I look up at Ricky with disbelief feeling my eyes.

"What is going on? What the fuck?"

"This is my sister!"

I look over at who I thought was my doctor for months now.

"Are you even a Doctor? What the hell are you guys doing. This isn't a fucking joke, I have a baby to protect."

She stood up and walked over to me with a grin that I had never seen on her face before.

"Relax, I'm a Doctor. Ricky is my brother and Mark is our cousin. I was put in place to take care of my brother's baby. You are in good hands, so relax."

"RELAX?" I screamed.

I stood there looking at everyone in the room, for what seems like a life time. Now it all made sense. That's how Ricky knew everything about the baby and me. He had his sister sharing everything to him. This Bitch!

"Are you crazy? How could you do this and call yourself a doctor?"

"Do what?" She said with that same damn smile on her face.

"You gave out my medical information without my permission and put me and my baby in danger."

"What danger sweetie? You were never in any danger. This is my brother's baby and he has a right to know how is baby is doing."

Okay so it's official, the whole damn family is crazy.

"You're not touching me or my baby."

"You don't have a choice!" Ricky said

"I told you Cuz, you're being too soft on this one." Mark said staring at me with those creepy eyes.

Filled with rage, I quickly looked up at Mark with Shut the fuck up written all over my face

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Filled with rage, I quickly looked up at Mark with Shut the fuck up written all over my face.

"Do you have a problem with me trouble maker? Mark asked.

Choosing to ignore him, I just turn my attention back to Dr. Christine.

"She's not going to touch me!" I raised my voice which caused Ricky to pull me back towards him. He pinned me against the back of the couch.

"Listen, I don't trust anyone but my sister to take care of my baby so get the fuck in the room and shut the fuck up."

Mark apparently love this, because he laughed and headed to the kitchen.


And before I could finish my thought, Ricky had grab my face by the palm of his hands. He squeezed hard enough that tears began forming in my eyes. Out of pure reaction, I reached over his hand to snatch it away from my face. I pushed Ricky away and just as he was getting ready to lunged at me, Dr. Christine jumped between us.

"RICKY!" she screamed. She attempted to hold him back as he was trying to grab my arm.

"Get the fuck out the way" Ricky screamed at his sister

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"Get the fuck out the way" Ricky screamed at his sister.

"Ricky, she's pregnant. Calm down."

"Candy, get the fuck over here." Ricky demanded still reaching over his sister's shoulders as she blocked access to me.

"CANDY!!! Get the FUCK over here NOW!"

At this point I realize that she can't protect me for long and the longer I wait, the more angrier he will get. So I slowly walked from behind Dr. Christine. My head is low and my breathing is fast. I have seen Ricky angry before and up to this point I have steered clear of him and his wrath. I'm tired and frustrated and want to go home. This is too much to deal with pregnant or not.

As I was moving around Dr. Christine, Ricky quickly reached over and pulled me by my arm to stand in front of him. And just as I feared, his eyes were filled with rage as he looked down at me.

He took his right hand a firmly grabbed me by neck.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" He screamed.

Dr. Christine quickly moved over toward Ricky.

I began trying to move his hand from my neck which made him push me by neck up against the wall. His grip is extremely tight and now I'm convinced that he doesn't care about me being pregnant. When he is angry, he really becomes a monster.

"RICKY....STOP!" Christine screams.

Tears are flowing down my cheeks at rapid speed as I try to not collapse.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again. I will fucking kill you. Do you understand? I'm not fucking playing with you. I told you to get the fuck in the room. Don't fucking act stupid!!"

"MARK! Help!" Christine screamed for Mark as he quickly came back in the room.

"What? He need to get his bitch in order. She has too much mouth and attitude." Mark said smirking at me.

"Mark...she's pregnant!"

Mark looked over and slowly walked over to Ricky as if only to please Christine.

"Cuz, think about your baby Bro!"

Ricky slowly released my throat but not without demanding that I go to the room with Christine for my check up. 

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