Tables Turn

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"Come on in. She's all yours!" Tony said as he moved back from he door.

"BITCH, REMEMBER ME!" Michelle said as she walked in the room.

Michelle walks up to Christine and points her finger against Christine's head as Chris ties Christine's hands behind her back.

"Yeah, you remember me. You fucking played me and my girl dirty. But I got something for your ass to make sure you give us what we need to get her back. If you think for one minute that I give a fuck about you or your life, think again."

Christine was completely shocked to see Michelle. She attempted to squirm in the chair with no luck of escaping.

"Now, you get one chance to tell me where Candy is?"

"I don't know. I have nothing to do with any of this." Christine cried.

"Wrong answer!" *Punch*

Michelle punched and punched and continued until Christine's head tilted to the side. Her face covered in blood and tears. Christine feeling desperate began to beg for her life.

"I'm sorry. I really have nothing to do with any of this. Please just let me go"

"So I see you are just as crazy as your brother. You think that we are playing with you?"

Michelle walks over to Chris who hands her his gun. She walks over to Christine and places the gun on the top of Christine's leg.

"I have all day to find out where she is? Now last chance. Where is Candy?"

"I don't....." Before Christine could finish her sentence, Michelle pulled the trigger.


"Ahh....What the fuck?" Christine screams and lowers her head in pain.

"Next time it won't be your leg, I will take my time and hit every spot I want to until you tell us what we need."

Crying and screaming...."What do you want from me." Christine said.

Michelle pointed the gun at Christine's shoulder. "Last chance."

"Okay, Okay....Just put the gun down. I will tell you what you want. He's going to fucking kill me."

"If you don't tell me what I want, you won't have to worry about Ricky. I will do it for him."

Tony walks up and takes the gun from Michelle.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"She's at his house. He has property on Rhode Island."

"Give me the address."

Christine gives the address to Mike. Tony gathers the rest of the crew outside of the room.

"Let's get over there and set up a parameter and check out how many guys he has over there."

"Are we doing this now?" Chris asked.

"Absolutely!" Tony said.

"What about his sister?" Rob asked.

"Fuck that lying Bitch! KILL HER!" Tony screamed.


I've made it outside and it's actually not as much security I thought. Most of the guys have left with Ricky. There are like 2 guys out front and 3 guys inside the house.

As I walk around the property I can see the 2 guys outside staring at me wondering why am I walking around. They're talking about what happen to Christine and looking at me as if it's my fault. Truth be told, I hope the crew did get her for what she did to me.

I walked to the end of the property and notices a black truck slowly driving past. The truck looks really familiar but I'm not really sure. As it drives by, the driver's window slowly lowers and I can't believe what I'm seeing. Chris is looking directly at me. He places his finger on mouth motioning me to be silent. I can barely contain my excitement when I'm suddenly shocked to feel hands wrapped around my waist.

I jumped and quickly turn around to find myself face to face with Mark.

"Aren't you a little far away from home little trouble maker?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What are you doing out here? And what were you looking at?" He asked.

I've learned my lessons from the past dealing with Ricky. So I know how to deal with crazy people.

"Mark, I am just walking and getting some air. Ricky already know that I'm outside. I thought you were out with him."

I quickly changed the subject and was pretty proud of myself. Nice change of subject Candy.

"Yeah, I'm heading back out, just had to come and grab one of the guys. But now back to you and me." Mark said while attempting to grab my arm.

"Mark, let me go!"

"My cuz and I share everything."

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I screamed.

"Listen, I get what I want and what I want is you."

I attempted to escape Mark, but would not budge. Just as I began to scream, we heard a bunch of noise coming from the front of the house. Mark ran to the front and followed.

Laying in front of the house in the drive way was Christine's body.

The 2 guys in front were standing over her body.

"What the Fuck happened?" Mark screamed.

"A truck pulled up and before we could respond, they threw her body out." One of the guys said.

Mark walked over to the body.

"She's dead! FUCK!"

My Crazy Life SequelWhere stories live. Discover now