I'm Pregnant

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"What does Ricky have to do with anything?" Chris asked

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"What does Ricky have to do with anything?" Chris asked. Tony had not said a word and was literally staring at me the entire time.

"As I was getting ready to leave, Ricky called my phone."

"What the fuck!" Mike yelled.

"What happened?" Rob asked as Tony is still stuck on mute.

"He told me that he had been watching me the entire time and that he knows about the baby."

"What the fuck?" Chris said.

"What the fuck?" Chris said

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"And he told her that he was coming for her and the baby. He thinks that the baby is his." Michelle blurted out.

"What the hell, Michelle!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, but we need to move on and start working on a plan." Michelle said.

The entire time, I noticed that Tony had said a word or changed his expression of just staring at me until Michelle said that Ricky thought the baby was his. Tony looked at me in a way that brought rage to my body. He looked at me up and down as if I disgusted him.

"Tony?" I looked at him just waiting for him to tell me that what I was seeing in his face wasn't what he really was feeling.


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"We need to talk!" And with that, Tony grabbed my arm and pushed through the doors of the theater room and into the living room.

Michelle was behind with the guys and I could hear them talking about everything that happened at the doctor's office.

In the living room, Tony had sat me down on the couch and took a seat on the chair next to me.

"What the hell happened?" He asked. I'm thinking he must be deaf, because I explained everything less than a minute ago.

"What do you mean? I told you what happened? I said.

"How did he know you were pregnant before me, have you been talking to him?"

I almost fainted again, I couldn't believe that after everything I've been through with Ricky, Tony would even think that I would contact or even try to find Ricky.

With tears beginning to form in my eyes, I sit up in my seat and stare at Tony.

"Are you serious? How in the hell could you even ask me that? Do you know what I've been through? What he did to me?"

"Then how did he know?"

"HOW the FUCK do I KNOW! He said he has always been watching me. He never stopped." I yelled.

Now, I'm mad and I feel my face heating up. The tears are now crashing down my cheeks.

"Who's the father?" Tony asked.

"Excuse me?"

"I think you heard me, who's the father of the baby?" Tony asked.

That's it, I'm pissed. Fuck this shit. The things that happened to me with Ricky was beyond my control and this fucker is talking to me like I was on vacation with Ricky. I got up from the couch and walked over to Tony. I am so angry and emotional that I could barely maintain my composure.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed.

"Sit down, and watch who you're fucking talking to." Tony said.

NO! FUCK YOU TONY! After all this shit this is what you want to do to me. I was kidnapped, you son of a bitch and raped repeatedly." I never heard myself say it out loud and just to say it brought it all back. The pain was to great, and I ran out the room and up the stairs to the bedroom.

Michelle and the crew came out of the theater room because of the commotion.

"What happened? Where is Candy? Michelle asked. 


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