Missing in action

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"TONY!" Michelle screamed.

Tony and the crew run upstairs to see why Michelle was screaming.

"WHAT?" Tony asked as he entered the master's bedroom.

"She's gone!" Michelle said.

"What the fuck do you mean she's gone?" Tony asked.

Michelle points to the empty drawers and looks back at Tony. "SHE IS GONE!" Michelle is so frustrated that she starts crying. "WHAT HAPPENED?"

"How did she leave? We were all in the living room. She didn't walk by us." Mike said.

"The kitchen door! She went through the fucking kitchen door." Tony said.

"Where did she go?" Rob asked.

"SHIT!" Tony screamed.

Michelle walks up to Tony with tears in her eyes. "This is all your fault. If anything happens to her and the baby, it is your fucking fault."

"Babe, chill the fuck out!" Chris said, trying to pull Michelle back.

"NO! Ricky is crazy and y'all fucking know it. I told her that she would be protected and nothing would happen to her and the baby. But you fucked it up. Your fucking ego."

Tony knows that Michelle is upset, but there is only so much he can take. He walks up to Michelle and they are now face to face.

Chris grabs Michelle by the waist and pulls her out the room and down the stairs.

Michelle is yelling as she is being pulled down the stairs.

"Fuck you! Fuck you!"

"Bro, what do you need us to do?" Mike asked.

"Make some calls and find out where she is!" Tony said.

"If Ricky is stalking her, he will get to her." Rob said.

"I can't even think about that shit, we just need to find out where she is?" Tony said.

"What happened Bro? Why would she leave?" Mike asked.

"Fuck! She's mad at me. This is just a lot to think about. We need to call her brother Jackson. Maybe he knows where she would go." Tony said.

Tony picked up his cell phone and dial Jackson's number.



"Where is Candy?" Tony asked. 

My Crazy Life SequelWhere stories live. Discover now