Dr. Christine

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Ricky pulled the phone down and looked over a Mark. "Christine is missing! The guys can't find her. She is not answering calls or anything."

Ricky is in panic mode, and I've never seen him so nervous or stressed.

"What do you mean Christine is missing?" Mark asked.

"She's fucking missing. Nobody has heard from her or seen her for 24hrs. She's not answering anybody calls."

"What the fuck?" Mark screamed.

The two guys are in a heated conversation and I'm literally stuck in the middle. What is going on? Does this have anything to do with Tony or Jackson?

While the guys were distracted, I was able to walk out and head upstairs to the room. I wasn't there more than 2 minutes before Ricky walked in and slammed the door. He's angrier than I've seen him before.

"I'm leaving for a while, stay your ass in this room. Don't leave!"

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Just fucking do what I said. Mark is coming with me, but there will be someone here to keep an eye on everything."

"Ricky, I need to get some fresh air. Maybe go for a walk or something. It's not healthy for the baby for me to be cooped up in a room all day."

Ricky is obviously distracted and barely listening to me. I hoping that he's so distracted by what's going on that maybe I can get a chance to walk around and continue searching the property.

"Candy, this is not the time to fuck with me. This entire area is under surveillance. Try anything and it will not be pretty."

'I understand."


Tony and the crew arrived at the very secluded home of Dr. Christine. After the surveying the area, Lil Pete reports back to Tony.

"She's in the shower and there is 2 guards out front. No other guards are seen. There is no one else in the house."

"Are we sure this is Christine, Ricky's sister?" Tony asked.

"Yes Boss!" Lil Pete said.

"Let's go!" Tony ordered.

3 Trucks rolled up in the front of the property. The guards quickly reached for their weapons but it was too late. Chris and Rob jumped out guns out taking out both guards.

Rob busted through the front door. Tony followed the music coming from the shower. With a gun in his hand, Tony shot the shower glass avoiding shooting Christine.

"Oh my God!" she screams as she falls to the corner of the shower

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"Oh my God!" she screams as she falls to the corner of the shower.

"Get your ass up!" Tony screamed.

Christine attempted to cover her body and move away from Tony.

"Bitch nobody wants your ass! Get the fuck up!" Tony yanked Christine from off the shower floor and dragged her by her hair into her bedroom.

Christine began kicking and screaming trying to get loose from Tony's grip.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Do you know who I am?" Tony asked.

"No!" She screamed.

"Well, I know who you are. You are the bitch who set my girl up. You are Ricky's bitch ass sister. You are the soon to be dead bitch if you don't tell me what I need to know. Now get dressed, you are going for a little ride."

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