Never Ends

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Ricky taps the speaker button so that I could hear the conversation.

"Candy? Are you okay?" Tony asked.

"Nah..Bitch. It's not Candy!" Ricky said.

"Motherfucker!" Tony screamed!

"Surprised Bitch?" Ricky laughs in the phone while staring at me.

"I should have killed your ass while I had the chance. I'm gonna find you and when I do, there will be no mercy." Tony said.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! There will be no next time. Now I'm gonna need you to leave me and family alone."

"Family?" Tony screams.

"Listen punk stop calling my girl, you stressing her and our baby out!" Ricky laughs in the phone.

Somehow Ricky is getting a kick out of this exchange. He loves to irritate Tony. As much as I would love to scream out to Tony or grab my phone, I already know what would happen if I go anywhere near my phone. Ricky doesn't care if I'm pregnant, he only cares about controlling me.

"Ricky I'm gonna kill you if you touch her or the baby."

"Why the fuck are pretending to care about my bitch and our baby? After all she left you right? She's no longer your concern."

Wow...Ricky really does know everything. How does he know I left Tony? What the hell is really going on?

Before Tony could say anything else, Ricky walked closer to me and said, "Now I have to go, I've missed my sunshine and we need to reconnect." With that, he hung up the phone and placed my phone in his back pocket.

I attempted to move backwards on the bed but Ricky grabbed both of my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed. His look was intense and his eyes were burning with fire and desire to consume me.

He reached toward my face and slowly brushed my cheek with his hands

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He reached toward my face and slowly brushed my cheek with his hands.

"Undress for me Sunshine."

I paused as if frozen in time. Ricky grabbed the back of my hair lifting my head to face his face. "Take it off!"

Completely terrified of what would come next if I didn't comply. I slowly begin to undress feeling completely humiliated. My body now showed a little baby bump. I was hoping that after seeing this, Ricky would change his mind and leave me alone. But I wasn't ready for what happened next.

Ricky stares about my bare body with only my bra and panties left. "You are absolutely beautiful."

He bends in front of me and gently touches my belly. "My sunshine is having my baby."

For some god awful reason, I decided to open my mouth. "But it's not......" and before I could finish, Ricky gave me a look that sent chills down my body. I flinched as if I was preparing for an impact. I guess the fear that Ricky seen in my eyes was enough for him. He continued to move his hands toward my waist.

He gently pulled my panties down my legs and let them hit the floor. He moved closer to me still on his knees and looked into my eyes as he gently moved each bra strap down my shoulders exposing the top of my breast.

I'm breathing rapidly, as I am anticipating what is next. I dare not move an inch, but I feel my heart pounding in my chest.

He takes his hands and unbuckle my bra and pulls it off and to the floor it falls. He then turns his attention back to the lower level of my body as he lifts my pelvis and buries himself between. Before I knew it, I had fallen back on the bed grabbing sheets with both hands to gather some form of control of my emotions and body. I braced for each stroke of his tongue. The passion and power of his body was more than I could take.

Feeling that I would explode, he lifted his head and stood up. I'm laying flat on my back breathing rapidly and grabbing sheets. He quickly flipped me around directing me to get on my knees. I comply still trying to brace myself and not completely fall apart.

I could hear Ricky unbuckling his pants and soon heard them hit the floor. Next his shirt and then his hands grabbed both sides of my butt. Pulling me closer to him, he search my entrance with his very elongated piece. Once he found my center, he thrusted himself in. The moan from him was extremely seductive. In and out he pressed himself and my body responded by grabbing him and connecting with him.

As he pushed in and out more stronger than the last, I'm reminded of our last encounter and how I knew something was different than we we first met. As Ricky exploded inside me, holding on to my sides as he releases, I'm reminding of our last night together and the ride in the truck, when he looked over at me and told me something I thought he would never say. And now he is looking at me again the exact same way.

"I love you Sunshine!"

My Crazy Life SequelWhere stories live. Discover now