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I am now stuck in the car with my nightmare. I can't believe this is happening to me again. No one knows where I am and I'm afraid that I will never get away. Thoughts flood my mind. How did he know where I was? What will happen to my baby? I have to find away to leave and disappear. I will not let my baby be born in this crazy life.


Jackson headed over to the warehouse to meet up with Tony and the crew. He explained everything to Tony on the phone in route.

 He explained everything to Tony on the phone in route

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Tony hangs up the phone

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Tony hangs up the phone

"Fuck!" Tony screamed.

"What's up Boss?" Rob asked sitting up in the chair.

"You won't believe this shit! Jackson calls me thinking that we snatched up Candy."

"What the fuck do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Candy has been with her brother this whole time, and now she is missing again."

"Wait...He fucking lied? She was staying with him?" Chris asked.

"Not only has she been staying with him, but he said that they went to her doctor's appointment and she disappeared. The doctor told him that guys with guns came and took her."

"You got to be fucking kidding?" Chris said while pacing the room.

"It has to be...." Mike started to say before Tony responded.

"I know...Ricky!"

Just then Jackson was at the door accompanied by Lil Pete.

"Boss, Jackson is here." Lil Pete said.

Jackson walks in the room filled with angry guys glaring at him with pure anger.

Tony walks over to Jackson and stands toe to toe and eye to eye.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now?" Tony asked while staring directly in Jackson's eyes.

"Look, I was just trying to protect my sister. She came to me heartbroken. And according to her you are the one who broke her heart."

Tony balled his fists and before he could move, Chris was right by his side. "Boss!"

"Well how the fuck did your protecting her get her snatched?" Tony screamed.

Jackson didn't have a response. He just dropped his head in defeat as if he let his sister down.

"Get him the fuck out of here!" Tony ordered.

"Wait...I want to help find my sister!"

Tony filled with anger, pulled out his gun and pressed it to Jackson's cheek. "If anything happens to her or the baby, you may as well kill yourself quickly, because when I get through with you, you will wish you were dead."

Mike and Lil Pete drag Jackson out of the office and out of the warehouse.

"What's next Boss?" Chris asked.

"We find Ricky, and then we will find Candy!" Tony respond.

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