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"Where is she?" Tony asked.

"I don't know! She won't tell me." Michelle replied.

"Michelle hand me the phone." Chris said.


"Give me the fucking phone." Chris yelled.

Michelle flings the phone to Chris. Chris searches the messages and looks over at Tony.

"She's not coming back Bro. She talking about raising the baby herself." Chris said.

"She is fucking losing her mind Bro! I can't fucking keep her safe if she just fucking walks out." Tony said.

"Are you serious? She's gone because of YOU!" Michelle Yells.

"MICHELLE!' Chris screams. "WHAT CHRIS? It's the fucking truth." Michelle responds.

Tony sits down and attempts to call Candy again.

Candy POV

Tony is blowing my phone up. I refuse to talk to him. He hurt me so bad this time. I just can't allow myself to get stressed. I have to think of my baby. These guys are stressing me the fuck out and that can't be healthy for my baby. So I decide to think of my baby and not these crazy ass men.


It's been a month since I left Tony's house and moved in with my brother. He has spoiled me rotten. He bought me some new clothes to better fit my growing belly. It's funny how quickly my body has changed in a month. He feeds me whatever and whenever I want. A girl could get use to this.

I only talk to Michelle, and I limit how long I talk to her, because I never know when Tony or the crew is around. She misses me and I miss her but I can't risk meeting up with her because I already know that Tony is watching her to get to me.

Today is my doctors appointment. I refuse to meet my doctor at the same location because I didn't know if someone was watching the office. She has another office and I made an appointment there. Jackson is taking me so I feel safe.

We park the car and head into the doctor's office. The office is crowded which is a little uncomfortable but at least I know that no one would dare pull anything in front of all these people.

"Candace, Come on back to the exam room." The doctor said.

I tell Jackson to wait for me in waiting room

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I tell Jackson to wait for me in waiting room.

"So how are you feeling today?" The doctor asked.

"So how are you feeling today?" The doctor asked

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"I've been feeling great. I'm eating a lot and sleepy but besides that I'm great."

"Well, a hearty appetite is normal during pregnancy. I'm giving you some vitamins to help with your energy level. Babies take a lot from you so you just need a supplement to replenish your strength." The doctor said.

She gives me some vitamins and let me hear the heart beat of my baby. The beat is strong and my baby is healthy so far. Even though things has started off really tough for my baby. I'm so grateful that my baby is healthy.

I text my brother and tell him that I'm on my way out. He said he was going to go pull the car up front so that I wouldn't have to walk too far to get the car.

"Thanks doctor for everything. I will see you in 4 weeks."

"Candace it was my pleasure and when you come back we will be able to see the sex of the baby."

"Wow, that's great. Thanks again."

I walk out into the lobby and notices that the crowded lobby is now empty.

"What the hell?" I said.

How could all of those people just disappear

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How could all of those people just disappear. The front door open and a this large guy walks in with 2 other guys that look very familiar to me.

"What's up?' The guy said.

"What's up?' The guy said

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"Do I know you?" I ask.

"Nope, but I know you little troublemaker." He said.


I look at the other guys who are now blocking the door.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Let me introduce myself princess. My name is Mark. And you have caused a huge mess and I'm here to fix it."

"Mark?" I'm trying my best to think. I don't remember anyone name Mark. I look again at the guys at the door. And it dawns on me. My heart starts racing, my hands starts shaking and now I remember where I've seen these guys from before. And before I could scream and find a way out. The front door open up and walks in.....


'What's up Sunshine?"

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'What's up Sunshine?"

My Crazy Life SequelWhere stories live. Discover now