Principle Weems - Fluff?

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You had gotten in trouble earlier in the day and was sent to the principles office for an evening talk

You slowly drag your feet to principle weems office, you didn't do anything wrong and didn't want to go but you were scared of the consequences you'd receive if you didn't go

Just as you were about to knock, the door opens and all 6'3 of weems stood towering over you. She scowls at you
"In now miss y/l/n"

You immediately obey and go and sit on the chair, she walks over around her desk, her heels clicking, filling the loud silence. Weems finally sits down.
"Do you understand what you've done wrong miss y/l/n?" She asks
"I didn't do anything wrong" you reply
"Is that so? 5 times this week you've visited my office, each for a wrong doing YOU'VE done" she raises her voice.
"I-I didn't do anything wrong" you reply again looking down and fiddling with your fingers
"Y/n, I'm very disappointed in your behaviour, it is completely inappropriate and rude, LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM SPEAKING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" She yells

You still don't look up, holding back tears, you never meant to disrespect or disappoint her. In fact you looked up to her in every way possible, her blue orbs mesmerised you and her blood painted lips lost you in a trance with their movement. But now all you felt was shame and disgust, the course of your actions left you feeling icky under her stare and her words

You finally look up at her with glassy eyes.
"I-I'm sorry" you hiccup "I never wanted to disappoint you, I just- I'm sorry I'm ashamed of my actions a-and they won't be repeated, I'm sorry " you whisper the last I'm sorry whilst lowering your head in shame

You felt a sudden change in emotions from cold hearted and furious to care and worry

"Darling" she says as she walks around the desk.

As she reaches you a tear slips down your pale cheek, she lifts your chin up. You stare at her, feeling so vulnerable, slowly trying to bow your head down again. She slowly lifts back up you head and wipes the stray tear from your cheek, her cool fingertips resting on your cheek. You subconsciously lean into her hand. Still feeling vulnerable as ever.

"I- y/n/n, I'm sorry for yelling at you, can you forgive me" she says just slightly above a whisper.

You slowly nod. You don't know what came over you but you cautiously stand up arms reaching out to be picked up. Principle Weems immediately complies and picks you up and you wrap your legs around her waist, she's holding you lovingly and securely. You bury you head in her neck inhaling her intoxicating scent. She rubs your back comfortingly and walks around until you fall asleep.

Your soft snores makes her heart melt and she holds onto you tighter. She makes her way over to her room, connected to her office,  and carefully places you under the covers of her bed before joining you. You cuddle into her and at last you both found the peace you both so desperately needed.


A/N: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this, idk how I feel abt it lemme know if it's good Tyty <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now