Gwendoline Christie - smut (pt.1)

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You were scrolling through TikTok coming across edits of your girlfriend, immediately saving them to your phone. After a while you came across a peculiar edit of Gwen and Jenna. They were holding hands and looking at each other so lovingly. Curiously, you decide to go to YouTube and search up a few interviews, surely this couldn't be true?

After hours of watching, you were infuriated. They held hands, they were hugging on stage, complimenting how much they loved working with each other and Jenna called Gwen "my woman" and "my wife". That's not right Gwen was yours, not anyone else's and certainly not Jenna's. You were mad, pissed but also sad. We're you not good enough for Gwen?

Your emotions got the better of you and you start feeling neglected by Gwen, she has to keep going away over the next few weeks. When she comes home from work she's so tired, she barely even says hi.

Finally the one time Gwen is in town she goes out without letting you know and yet, once again you've been left alone with your thoughts. It was getting late and you were getting worried you text her, but she doesn't reply and when you call she declines.

You didn't know anything better so you sit in the living room and pop open a bottle of wine.

After 2 bottles of wine, you hear the door unlock and Gwen greets you cheerfully.
"Hi honey"

You stand up storming towards her, just as she finishes taking her shoes off, you pin her against the back of the door. She looks a bit shocked.

"Where the fuck have you been Gwendoline?"
You ask venom lacing your words

"Gwendoline?- I was out with Jenna and-" she tries to explain but you cut her off

"Fucking hell, of course you were with Jenna when are you not?" You grip tightens on her shoulders.

"Ow, dar-" she says as she tries to get out of your tight grip

"I was worried sick about you, but guess you don't need me when you Jenna right? I bet you looove her so much, you love holding her, looking at her, more than me yeh?" Spitting out those words, jealousy woven between them.

"Are you drunk?" She questions trying to divert the topic

"Answer the fucking question Gwendoline" you spit out once again

"N-no of course not honey, you have to understand that we're co-workers, d-dont worry I'm all yours" she stutters out

Your eyes widen.
"That's right, you're all mine, all. Fucking. Mine. Not anyone else's and definitely not Jenna's. Do you understand?" You say

"Y-yes, I understand-" she replies

"Good girl" you say before smashing your lips onto hers

She gasps at the force of the kiss. The kiss is passionate and desperate. You swipe her bottom lip with her tongue, asking for access, she immediately opens her mouth and lets your tongue roam around her mouth. Your hands slowly untuck her blouse from her pants your hands roam free along her smooth curves.

You both pull away gasping for air.

"Shit" she breathes out, about to move

You grab the front of her neck and pull her down to your eye level. "Who said you could leave Gwendoline?"

Her pupils dilate and her eyes fill with lust and desire. You pull her by the neck to your bedroom and push her the bed. You unbutton her pants and take off her blouse pulling them off then flipping her onto her stomach. You pull her her hair back and she lets out a whimper.

"How many slaps to your ass do you deserve" you ask

"H-however many you think y/n" she whimpers

"Is that how you're going to address me Gwendoline?" You ask condescendingly

"Sorry, how many spankings do I deserve mistress?" She corrects herself

"I think however many times I called you tonight and however many weeks you've neglected me. How many is that?"

"S-seven calls a-and f-four weeks, e-el-eleven in total mistress" she stutters out

You hum in response you let go of her hair and place all your attention on her ass gently placing your hand on it. All before you smack down on it. She flinches at the burning sensation.

"Count slut" you say, she moans at the degradation

"O-one mistress" she replies

Whilst spanking her, you let her know of your thoughts.
"Do you think it's right of you to hold hands with another woman - smack- and call her beautiful - smack- and hold her in your arms?-smack- All whilst I have to watch from afar? Did you ever consider how I felt - smack- you fucking whore" -smack- . She counts as you talk

"N-no, fuck, I'm sorry" she manages to say as you slap her ass again
"OHhhh" she moans out -smack-

By the eleventh spank she was a moaning mess under you. Her ass was red. You flip her over again and attack her neck with your mouth she begins moaning as you suck her sweet spot, hard enough to mark her as yours.

Slowly you trail your kisses down her long torso to the band of her panties. You grab the band with your teeth extending it and then letting it go, sling back onto her skin. She whimpers and squirms at the sting.

Slowly you pull down her panties and spread her legs. You slowly drag your finger up her slip, all wet and sensitive. She jerks up her hips and moans.

"Someone's sensitive" you say

"P-please mommy, I need you" she begs her new name for you fills you with desire

You kiss her harshly before going straight for her pussy. Eating her out, flicking your tongue over her clit and adding fingers, she cums almost straight away.

"Fuck, FUCK, YES PLEASE FUCK IM ALL YOURS MOMMY AHHH" she scream whilst pulling your hair and riding out her high on your face.

She pants aggressively, you creep up to her lips,
"You taste delightful darling" you whisper against her lips

She moans kissing you. "Take your clothes off please" she mumbles

"As you wish" you say peeling off your clothes and undergarments.

You sit back down, straddling her hips and Gwen grinds against you causing you both to moan...


A/N: first time writing smut oml, I got wayyy too carried away, I'm sorry it's so long! Will definitely make part two if you guys want! Also imma be real with you guys I don't know if I like this or not

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now