Principle Weems - smut (g!p)

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*requested smut/fluff

You were one of the few teachers at Nevermore. You got along with everyone, except for your boss, Larissa Weems. You hated her with a passion, her white teeth, her red lips, her perfect hair, her toned legs, her beautiful curves. You hated it, everything and you knew she hated you too.

Flashback - a few months before

"Y/N! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE THE KIDS OUT AND RUN AROUND LIKE A LUNATIC, YOU ARE AN ADULT AND A RESPONSIBLE ONE" she yells at you, locking the door so you can't run away.

"So? You can't control me!" You growl back

"Don't make me y/n" she says, glaring down into your eyes

"I'd like to see you try Larissa" you grit between your teeth, keeping eye contact

Her blue ocean eyes suddenly turn shades darker, her hand grips around your throat, slamming you against the wall.

"You will listen to me y/n"  she husks lowly, making your core heat up.

"No" you reply. The grip around your neck becomes tighter, the pain becomes pleasurable. You gaze into her dark eyes as she clenched her jaw. You smirk at her reaction, before she throws her knee between your legs, her thigh flush against your clothed cunt.

"I hate you, I'm not going to listen to someone like you" you growl out. She quirks her perfect brow at you.

"Do I need to fuck those lies out of you y/n?" She questions. Your breath hitches. You imagine her doing unholy things to your body.

"Y-yes" you stutter. Before your could realise what you said, Larissa ripped your clothes off revealing your naked body to her eyes. She lifts you up against the wall and your legs wrap around her hips. She smashes her lips against yours, the kiss filled with passion and desire, your head slams against the wall at the force of the kiss. Larissa slips her tongue in your mouth, tasting you, her hand running up your bare skin.

Your hands wander around her back, trying to unzip her dress. You unzip it, letting the sleeves slide down her shoulders but not going any further because it's long sleeve. You wanted to feel her skin against yours.

"Fucking hell get it off" you pant through the kiss, her lips still on yours.

She holds you up with her hips. Slipping the dress off, revealing boxers? You look down slightly and reach to take them off. She grips your body tighter. Her hard dick flings against your cunt. How come you didn't see it before? You begin to grind you cunt against the side of her dick. She moans into the kiss.

"Fuck, I need to be inside you" she mumbles into the kiss

"Do it, fuck me like you hate me" you reply

She growls in response, holding you up and easing you into her dick, it felt so big inside of you but it felt so good. She guides you up and down, getting faster and pounding deeper into you.

"F-fuck L-Larissa, you're a-so big, I'm g-going to cum" you pant out as she fondles with your breasts. She starts going at a slower pace, teasing you, you whimper, wanted her to be rough with you, pounding her dick so deep into you you could feel the impact in your stomach. The teasing made you even wetter if possible.

"Please Larissa, make me cum" you breathe out. She goes fast and hard, pushing you to your high. You scream out her name, digging your nails into her back. She let you calm down a little before turning you around and pressing your chest against the wall. Pulling your hips towards her, gripping your ass hard in her hands. You can feel the her dick grazing your skin. She pushes your head against wall whilst lining herself up with your entrance. She doesn't ease in this time and goes deep inside you.

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now