Gwendoline Christie- Fluff ?

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It's 10pm and your boyfriend hadn't come home from work and you were afraid he would starve without dinner. So after 15 minutes you decide to drop a dinner box off to him.

As you enter the building, you go up to his office. After knocking on his door a couple of times with no answer, you decide to go in.

"FUCK YES bf/n" you hear a woman moan
You drop the dinner box on the floor

"WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" You yell as you look up to see another woman on your boyfriends lap, moaning his name. You didn't know what to do but run, you run out of his office, tears streaming down your face.

You run and you run for what seems like forever, crying the whole way, how could he do this to you?

Somehow, you end up on your ex's, Gwendoline's doorstep. You knock, you shouldn't be here, after all, it is your fault that the both of you broke up. The door opens, and Gwen opens the door standing there in her fluffy robe, looking just as beautiful as before. Oh how you missed her.

"Y/n?" She says standing there. You stand there staring at her, admiring her beauty, her lips still look soft and plump, her hair still that white blonde you loved, her blue eyes, bright but more tired looking and yet you still you think she's the most beautiful person you've ever seen.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" She asks, snapping you out of your gaze.
"I-I'm so sorry Gwen, I-I" you stop yourself when you realise you called her by your nickname for her.
"I shouldn't be here I'm so sorry" you say as you turn around to leave.

You feel her grab onto your arm, and the tears start welling up in your eyes again, how you missed her touch. You look back at her in the eyes.

"No Y/n wait, don't leave" she says as she pulls you into the house. As you enter the house, her scent fills your nose, you missed her so much. How could you be so stupid to leave her. She leads you to her couch and sits down with you.

"Are you okay?" She asks, you nod your head. She looks at you with an unconvinced look.

"Wait here, darling" she says and your heart swoons at her old pet name for you. She gets up leaving you but comes back with a mug. You peer into it and find warm milk. You almost start crying again, she remembered. For some reason, when you were in need of comfort, you just wanted warm milk and Gwen remembered. A stray tear falls down your cheek. Gwen sits back down next to you, pulling you into a cuddle.

You snuggle further into her chest, inhaling her scent, your favourite, a tame vanilla scent. Then you burst into tears, all the things you did with her just came out through. From your first date, to your first kiss, your first intimate session to when you moved in and finally when you left her. How could you leave such a beautiful woman, so caring and willing to comfort even after all you put her through.

"Y/n, what's wrong darling?" She asks

"I'm sorry Gwendoline, I'm so sorry for all that I put you through, I should have never left you over some stupid reason. Please forgive me I'm sorry." You say through your sobs and Gwen just hugs you tighter

"Darling, please, it's okay, I understand why you left me, me not being home all the time must have broken you. I forgive you, just please, tell me what's wrong, surely that's not the reason" she says

"I-My boyfriend cheated on me a-and I just ran and I ended up here" you explain

"He doesn't deserve you darling" she says as she pulls you into her lap, squeezing you tight. You lay your head in the crook of her neck as she rubs circular motions on your back. You missed her so much. Why did you ever move on? Why didn't you just stay?

"I'm glad you showed up, I- I've missed you" she says

Your head perks up at her words.
"Y-you miss me?" You ask

"So, so much, more than I can describe " she says pulling you into her embrace.

"I missed you so much too, everything about you, your voice, your face, everything about you, I missed so so much, I can't believe I was stupid enough to leave someone like you" you say tears welling up again

Gwen starts tearing up and you place your forehead against hers, slowly your tears collide with hers, not knowing who's are who's, you just stare into her glassy eyes.

"Never leave me again y/n please" she barely whispers

"Never" you reply

With that, Gwen pulls you into a sweet, longing kiss.

One that you both so desperately needed


A/N: ahhh idk if this is fluff or not? Lemme know what you guys think. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter Mwah <3

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