Gwendoline Christie - Fluff

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You're sitting on the couch in the living room of you and your girlfriend's, Gwen's, house, waiting for her to come home from work. After a little while you hear the door unlock and open. You turn behind you, excited to see your girlfriend.

But when you turn around you see Gwen's eyes watery, red and puffy, she was crying. Your heart breaks at the sight. You rush over to her as she was taking off her shoes and you lead her over to the couch. When you sit down you pull her into your embrace. At the contact she bursts into tears, her loud sobs echo through the room. You rub her back soothingly, stroking her hair and kissing her head in comfort. She just snuggles further into your chest.

"Why are you sad baby?" You ask "it breaks me to see you like this" you say when she doesn't answer.

When she doesn't answer you lift up her head looking her in the eyes she hiccups lightly. Her tears stream down her face and she has such a sad looking face, you give her a sorry feeling look. As you wipe her tears away with your thumb even more tears pour out. You look at her seriously.

"What's wrong, I hate seeing you looking so sad, please tell me what's wrong." You say

She hiccups again
"I- hiccup- just feel so ugly, they keep giving me roles that make me look like a man, I- hiccup- just want to be beautiful. I want to be desirable, I-" she says letting steady streams of tears down. Your heart breaks.

"You are beautiful and desirable, the most beautiful person I've ever seen in all my life. No one, can compare to you darling" you say wiping her tears and looking in her eyes. Her tears lessen.

Then you lead her to the bathroom and run her a bath to relax her a little more. When she undressed herself fully she covered her body with her arms. You felt so sad that she couldn't even show you, her girlfriend, her body. You slowly remove her hands and wrap them around you, reaching up to kiss the middle of her collarbones.

"You're the most beautiful woman in the whole entire world, you're a goddess baby" you say against her skin.

You lead her to the warm bath, her body slowly sinking into the water. She looks up to look into your eyes.

"C-can you join me please y/n" she says, barely above a whisper.

"Of course" you whisper, peeling your clothes off and joining her in the water.

You sit on her lap, facing her. She looks down almost in shame. You lift her chin up so she's looking at you.

"Hey, I love you okay? All 75 inches of you. All of you is beautiful, remember that" you say kissing her forehead

"You're so beautiful, here and here and her and here" you say as you kiss every inch of her body. She lets out a small giggle making you smile.

You both get out of the bath and dry off, changing into pyjamas and laying in the bed. Your head laying on Gwendoline's chest. You both sit there in comfortable silence just enjoying each others company. Gwen strokes your hair.

"Thank you y/n, I have the best girlfriend in the world, you make me feel so beautiful" she whispers "you're so beautiful baby" she whispers again

You smile humming and snuggling further into her side, tangling your legs together.


A/N: hey guys! Just wanted to write something short and sweet. Feedback is always appreciated and requests are open! Hope you enjoyed <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now