Larissa Weems - smut (⚠️g!p)

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Principle Weems was taking over your botany class today since Thornhill was out sick. You always had this certain attraction towards the very tall and very hot principle. You couldn't help but watch her movements as she went around teaching. She was wearing a flattering beige pantsuit, a nice contrast to the dresses and coats you usually catch her in.

You take in her long legs as she leans against the desk with her hands in her pockets. You wondered if the rumours were true. If your very attractive principle was capable of shape shifting any part of her body. Maybe her tongue would become longer, imagine how good that would be in bed. How good she would be in bed, the dominance she could hold over you, over anyone. You cross your legs unconsciously, the arousal becoming more prominent. Or maybe, you think, she'd be able to shape shift a co-

"Y/n!" Weems yells grabbing your attention, snapping you out of your daze. You sit up in a bit of shock

"S-sorry what? I wasn't paying attention" you stumble over your words. The rest of the class chuckles quietly

"Clearly. Perhaps there's something else entertaining your thoughts?" She questions smirking and quirking her brow

"Um p-perhaps" you reply meekly blushing slightly that you had been caught

"Please stay after class and we can discuss this out-of-habit behaviour Ms. Y/l/n" she replies

The bell rung signalling the start of break. You watched as everyone stumbled out. Weems closed the door.

"S-sorry I was distracted I-wa- it won't happens again" you quickly apologise

"Y/n" she chuckles before continuing
"As much as I admire your adoration for me, I hope you can refrain from staring so harshly at my private areas" she says semi seriously

Your eyes widen, you swear you were only looking at her legs apparently your dirty mind couldn't help your eyes as they wandered around.

"I- gosh sorry miss I um- it won't happen again" you stutter embarrassed

"Thank you" she replies

"Is it true you can shape shift any part of your body?" You blurt out before you could shut your mouth, the older woman lets out a light chuckle

"Is that what's been entertaining your thoughts this whole lesson? How curious" she says lightly before continuing. "Yes, I can miss y/l/n. Though I only do it occasionally when I want to do things- if you know what I mean" she winks at you

Your jaw drops as the words come out of her mouth. You look at her in the eyes. No way your principal just suggested she shape shifts for pleasure.

The bells goes again shaking you out of your thoughts, you quickly get up to go to class

That night all you could think about was your principal with a dick, how hot she would be with it. You could barely sleep.

The next day, thornhill was still out so principal weems was taking over your class again. Today, she wore a navy pant suit, you think it could be even hotter than the beige one. It didn't help that she revealed such information to you. All you could do all lesson was imagine her taking you with her cock, you can imagine it'd be large. You caught her eyes a couple times the lesson, she gave you a warning look every time to concentrate. But you couldn't concentrate. This time you caught her eyes she mouthed for you to stay after class. You sigh

The bell went for the end of the day and you remained in class whilst everyone left. This time weems closed the door and locked it. Shocking you

"Y/l/n! What is on your mind that you can't concentrate at all? What do you want from me? How can I help you?" She shot off the questions

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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