Gwendoline Christie- smut (pt.2)

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Pt.2 of Gwendoline Christie - smut

You sit back down, straddling her hips and Gwen grinds against you causing you both to moan...
"OHhhhh please I need more mommy, please" she moans
You make eye contact with her not breaking it once as move your legs in position so that your cores connect. You place one of her long legs on your shoulder and begin thrusting your hips, not breaking eye contact once.

"Fuck, FUck, FUCK, OHHHH please yes mommy OHhh" she moans.
You hum in response and start thrusting your hips faster, pushing Gwen on the edge.
"OH MOMMY PLEASE YES IM ABOUT TO COME" she screams, you harshly grab onto her breast, kneading it between your hands, making Gwen moan loudly.
"No darling not yet, wait for me" you say.
She squirms under you trying not to cum. She's sweating and begging for you to let her cum.
"Please mommy, I need to cum, I promise I'll be a good girl, FUCK PLEASE" she begs

Her words push you over the edge.
"Fuck yes, you can cum" you say
You both cum in unison
"FUCK YES MOMMY OH GOD YESS" she screams. You both ride your high out.

As you straddle her waist Gwen looks up at you with needy eyes.
"I want to taste you please mommy" she begs, her begging makes your core heat up again. You look down at her, her arms start wandering around your body, clawing to get back up. You lift her chin up and look her in the eyes, they're dilated and so full of desire and lust, the tingling in your core becoming too much.

"Since you asked so nicely, yes" you say
Her eyes light up at your words you lay down, your head propped up on a pillow. Gwen goes straight for your core, her tongue exploring every inch of your pussy, making you moan out her name, the feeling is too good. She hungrily starts eating your pussy.
"Fuck mommy, you taste so. Fucking. Good" she says against your cunt, then continues becoming more hungry.
Gwen begins pumping two fingers in and out of your cunt, making you cum quickly.

"FUCK YES, GOOD GIRL, GOOD FUCKING GIRL" you scream as she lets you ride out your high. She greedily laps up the last drops of your cum.

She comes laying on your chest, looking up at you. You gently lean down and kiss her on the nose, making Gwen smile.
"so you're not mad at me anymore?" She asks tiredly
"No, now let's get some sleep, it's late" 
She slowly nods and you both quickly fall asleep.


A/N: pt.2 guys! Not as good as the first one but let me know what you guys think! <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now