Principle weems - fluff

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As requested another fluffy one

In Ms Thornhills class:
You began sweating your stomach hurt like crazy, before you knew it you turned to the side and vomited on the floor, you just simply couldn't contain it anymore. Ms Thornhill rushes over to your aid,
"are you alright honey?" She asks
You nod you head slowly before vomiting again
"I'm so sorry" you say as you see a splash of vomit on her boots
"Xavier take y/n to the nurses office please" ms thornhill says.

When you get to the nurses office no one was there, Xavier had already left you sitting on one of the beds. Feeling sick again you rush to the bathroom and vomit in the toilet. 'What the hell is wrong with me' you think. Suddenly a head popped in the doorway, it was principle Weems
"Are you alright darling?" She asks

You stomach flutters at the nickname "Just feeling a bit sick is all" you say with a weak smile

"Today is the nurses' day off so why don't you come to my office so I can look after you, how does that sound?" She asks

"Yes please" you reply

You both make your way to the headmistress' office.

"Why don't you lat down on the couch and rest hm?" She asks

You nod and make your way over to the couch in front of the fire place and lay down. She walks over to one of the cupboards and pulls out a throw and cushion and comes over to you and kneels down. She gently lifts your head up and places the cushion under and then carefully tucks you in with the throw. Before standing up you lock eyes with her, she brushes the hair away from your face feeling you forehead for you temperature.
"You're a bit warm but nothing a little rest can't fix" she says
She leans down placing a chaste kiss on your forehead with her soft lips before standing up and walking to her desk to continue her work.

A couple of hours later

You wake up feeling a lot better, suddenly you feel a pair of eyes on you. You look over to Principle Weems and she smiles brightly at you.
After a while of just peacefully watching her work, she looks up.
"Are you alright there miss y/l/n?" She asks
"Yeh I just- I'm not too sure I-" you say flustered a pink shade creeps up your cheeks because she caught you watching her.

She stands up and walks over sitting on the edge of the couch placing a hand on your arm and rubbing it comfortingly.
"How are you feeling now miss y/l/n?" She asks.
"A lot better, thank you for caring for me before" you reply.

You've never had someone really care for you your whole life, your parents were too busy to look after you and you didn't really have any friends. When you were sick, you looked after yourself. So for someone to care so much for you made you feel warm and content.

She smiles at you and begins to stand up
"You are welcome to stay for however long y-" she begins before you interrupt her
You grab onto her arm, she looks back at you quirking an eyebrow.
"Stay? Please?" You ask with a smile
She sighs "I'm sorry darling I can't, I have work to do-" she says and your smile begins to fade.

"Would you like to come sit with me at my desk?" She asks
You nod, suddenly you feel her arms picking you up and you rest your head on her shoulder. She slowly lets you down onto on of the chairs in front of her desk. You miss her warmth as she walks around her desk and sits back down in her chair.

After a couple of minutes of just staring at her working, you were missing and longing for her touch again. You stand up carefully and walk around the desk, her eyes following your every move. She turns in her chair to face you, you spread out your arms to hug her and she brings you onto her lap, happy your in her embrace again, you sigh contentedly in her neck and she rubs your back soothingly as she continues working.

You feel so at peace and so happy

"Thank you for looking after me again, for all of this" you whisper in her neck

"Anytime darling" she replies

Leaving the both of you smiling


A/N: I love her omg, anyways hope you enjoyed! <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now