Gwendoline Christie - sad

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You were close with Gwen, you guys were super close since you both acted in Game of Thrones together. You always admired her, her beautiful soft blue eyes that made you melt when you saw her and her short blonde hair that made you want to run your fingers through. Slowly, you found yourself falling in love with the tall blonde. You'd always find yourself craving her company, her hugs. Just a simple smile or laugh would make your whole day. You loved how caring she was to you, her nicknames for you made your heart all fuzzy and the way she gave you her full attention made your brain buzz with serotonin. This went on for years, you falling for her more and more every time you saw her.

Once you left GOT, you didn't get to see Gwen for a couple of years. You FaceTimed her and texted her frequently but never got to see her in person. Until you both were casted for Wednesday, you both were so happy to be on set together again. As readings began and blocking started to happen, the two of you were just like how you were before. You missed that feeling so much, just being with her made you melt.

When filming began, you and Gwen didn't get to see each other as much as you'd like to but still tried to see each other when you could. A month went by and you noticed that Gwen spent less and less time with you and more time with Jenna. You'd always see her post Jenna on her instagram, she always looked so happy. You were a little bit jealous but she was happy and that made you happy.

However, you started to notice that Gwen began neglecting you for Jenna, she simply didn't want to hang out with you in your trailer or do your favourite things with her. You were sad. As you went on set to film your scene you saw Gwen sitting down and quickly went to go say hi to her but as you went to say hi, Jenna came up and sat in her lap. You wished that was you so badly. How you missed her comforting perfume and her warm embrace and her touch that made you feel so warm inside. They were both smiling and talking so you decided to leave to go film instead. After you finished filming you went straight to you trailer to go cry, seeing her with Jenna hurt you so badly, the pain in your chest just wouldn't go away and the more you thought about it, the worse the pain got. All you wanted to do was cuddle into Gwen's side and let her comfort you. You thought that that is what you were going to do and you wiped your tears and walked over to her trailer. As you knocked you got no answer so you opened the door. As you peered inside you saw Jenna and Gwen cuddled up, sleeping on the couch with a can of whipped cream on the table and you and Gwen's favourite show in the TV. That's what you and Gwen used to do... and now she's doing it with Jenna. You felt so sad and betrayed, you didn't even notice the tears that ran down your cheeks. You choked back a sob accidentally stirring Gwen awake. When she opened her eyes, her expression went from relaxed to angry as she looked at you.

"Get out y/n, what the hell are you doing in here, just get out" she said in the meanest tone you had ever heard come out of her mouth.

You were shocked that she's ever talk to you like that. You ran back to your trailer, grabbing your belongings and heading to you car to go back to the hotel. When you got back you bawled your eyes out. She hates you and you didn't even do anything wrong, all you did was love her and did all you could to make her happy all these years.

When you went back to work the next day, your heart felt heavy, you didn't have anything to look forward to, no toothy grins from your favourite person. You still loved her though.

Just as you went to go step out for fresh air you saw Gwen upset on the steps of her trailer, you couldn't even tell she was sad unless you knew her well, before you got to her to see what was wrong, she stood up and went straight for Jenna's trailer, of course. But surprisingly Jenna must have said something and sent her away because Gwen came back to her trailer looking even more sad than before. You quickly rushed inside your trailer grabbing all of Gwen's favourite things to go cheer her up. When you knocked on her trailer door, Gwen opened up smiling and in what felt like the first time in forever things were back to how they were. But as Gwen realised it was you the frown came back to her face.

"What do you want" she said annoyed

"I-i was thinking we could put on your favourite show and cuddle up with whipped cream?" You ask holding up the can and the blanket you guys used to cuddle up with

"Y/n that's Jenna and my thing, please just go away, I need to be alone" she sighs

"Oh yeh okay sure" you mumble before she slams the door in your face.

Her and Jenna's thing? It was yours and hers originally. You cried on the way back to your trailer. You don't make her happy anymore, it's clear that she's replaced you with a prettier person. She probably thought you were ugly and wanted nothing to do with you.

It was true, during the press tour, Gwen ignored you the whole time, and after the first season was done you quit your role. You found out Gwen had blocked your number. That was it. She was truly done with you. All those happy memories faded away and soon that's all you guys were.

A memory


I'm so sorry guys, I'm really trying to update this but I have no motivation and all my ideas just keep going in the trash. I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long for such a shitty and long chapter. I just thought of a scenario and decided to pour my feelings into it. Sorry, trying to update again. I would really appreciate feedback to keep me going ig.

Thank you for reading all this so far

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now