Gwendoline Christie- smut (⚠️g!p)

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Warning?: g!p

It had been a long and  frustrating day of filming, for you at least and Gwendoline had invited you to stay over after so that you wouldn't have to drive another hour to get home. It wasn't uncommon that the older woman would offer her place to you, the both of you were rather close, work wives, as everyone on set called you guys. Often you would chat with her in her bed and then accidentally fall asleep and she's gotten so used to sharing her bed with you, she just invites you in her bed.

But little did she know, all these small innocent-seeming moves provoked not so innocent thoughts. Like when you woke up the next morning with the older woman spooning you, you could feel her bump against your back. She told you of course, that she was different, she had a dick but you didn't care, you didn't think any different. Though the new information did fuel your very inappropriate fantasies of her and her dick. All you wanted was for Gwendoline to own you.

You went to go shower to wash off the day, the hot water soothing your tired skin. It feels so good and relaxing, your mind wanders off to todays events. The sneaky glances, winks and smirks you and Gwendoline shared across set and the hugs that lasted a little too long to be friendly made you just want her, all of her . Your hands slowly wander down. Hold on you can't do that, frustrated you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around yourself, you go to grab your clothes only to find that you forgot to bring them in. You were so focused on just washing off the day you forgot to bring clothes in. You sigh and walk into Gwendoline's room that's connected to the bathroom.

You find her laid on the bed, wearing loose boxers and a shirt, reading a book. She's wearing no makeup and her hair is slightly damp from taking a shower before you. Just seeing her in that state made you aroused, she looks so beautiful like that. She looks over at you with a questioning look. Then, your mind wanders off, what would happen if you just dropped your towel and let her see your naked body. Before you could stop your self, the towel blocking your body from Gwendoline's eyes drops. You watch her reaction, her eyes widen as they roam around your body, after a couple of seconds you notice something pushing at her boxers, she's hard, you smirk. She quickly covers her dick with the book she was reading.

"Y-y/n, y-your towel" she stutters as crimson creeps up her cheeks.

"Oh silly me" you say, feigning your intentions. You turn around and bend over to pick up the towel, giving Gwendoline the perfect view of your ass. You pick up the towel and chuck it over onto her vanity chair and walk towards her. Her eyes keep roaming around your body. Once you get to the bed you start to crawl on all fours to her. Getting to her, you lift up the book covering her.

"Why don't we help you with this hey?" You say in a seductive tone adding a light chuckle, chucking her book to the side. Her eyes darken at your words and she nods timidly. You tug at the waist band of her boxers, pulling them down. Her dick flings out and your eyes widen at the size. It's huge, Gwen chuckles at your reaction seeming to gain her confidence back. She grabs your hand and places it around her dick, guiding it up and down. She grunts softly, you like the sound, you want to hear more so you glide your hand up and down quicker, your grip tightening. Gwen moans at the stimulation. Feeling bolder, you add your mouth sucking on her dick, following your hands as it hits the back of your throat, making you gag but you're obsessed with the feeling so you keep doing it. This makes Gwen groan and moan, placing her hand in your hair pushing your head down further so her dick dives deeper into your throat.

"Fuck, ohhhh yes" she moans

You moan against her dick, she pulls your head up pushing you back on the bed. She crawls over you so she's on top. Her dick teasing your skin. She leans down to whisper in your ear.

"That was a naughty move y/n, naughty girls get punished" she whispers, breathing on your neck

You groan, you wanted this. She aggressively attacks your neck with her lips, sucking and nipping at your skin, you moan out her name. She growls

"As much as I love you saying my name, I'd prefer if you called me mommy"

You nod and Gwen smirks against your neck. You feel her reaching down lining her dick up with your entrance, running her top through you folds. You moan at the feeling. She slides her dick in your cunt, you gasp at how much she's stretched you. She slides in deeper slowly thrusting, you feel so full you moan.

"Fuck your tight and so full and I'm not even half way in, fuck, y/n you're mine now, all. fucking. mine" she growls

"YES, fuck I'm yours mommy, own me please, faster mommy, please" you beg

She smirks and thrusts deeper and faster. You can't help but moan out and scream. She pounds into you, the noise of the wetness, the connection of your skin every time she thrusts deep into you and your moans fill the room. Pushing you over the edge, you feel your stomach tighten.

"OH FUCK YES YES, YES FUCK GOD, IM GONNA CUM AHHHH" you scream and cum all over her dick.

Gwen doesn't stop though, she just speeds up thrusting even harder than before.


Her degradation taking you to the edge.

"You're gonna fucking cum with mommy, got it? Your all mine now" she growls lowly

You nod quickly as she pounds into you fast. You cum screaming as you fill her filling you up with her cum.

"FUCK YES MOMMY OHHHG YES" you scream coming down from your high, feeling her cum slowly pour out of your sensitive cunt.

Gwen scoops you up and lays you down next to her on the bed, cuddling into her you head her heartbeat and her breathing, fast and rapid. She hums,
"Good girl, taking mommy's dick so well" she praises

You nod her head and smile. Leaning into her, you whisper

"I'm all yours mommy, you own me"

She smirks before falling asleep.


A/N: BAHAHA I high key didn't know what g!p was, I'm so sorry if you guys don't like it, I tried my best. Sorry for the v long chapter too.
Lemme know what you guys think please! I have more fluff coming dw. <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now