Gwendoline Christie - Sad pt.2

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You were called back to film season 2 of Wednesday because they just couldn't continue without you, they begged and begged. Initially you said no but they gave you more money and begged again, eventually you caved and said yes, secretly wanting to see Gwen again. You couldn't help it after 5 months of no contact and only seeing her face on other Instagram pages, you craved the answer of why, why would she do this to you?

As you nervously walked on set looking around, you felt a little out of place until Catherine came running up to you embracing you,
"Hi y/n darling, gosh it's so good to have you back" she said against your hair
You smiled a little and hugged her harder
"Hi Cath" you whisper softly
"How are you feeling?" She says softly walking with you to the reading room
"Ah you know it hurts still, I- I just don't understand still, I didn't think I did anything wrong did I?" You say, your voice breaking a little
You told Catherine everything and stayed close after you quit and she comforted you always, you were glad you still had her.
"No no don't blame yourself y/n, she just made bad decisions, you did nothing wrong okay? She just can't see how amazing and beautiful you are" she says softly brushing the hair out of your face.
You give a small smile as you walk into the room.

And there she was the woman you loved yet hate so much stand across the room talking to Christina and of course already latched onto her side was Jenna. You clenched your jaw at the sight, regretting even coming anymore just to see things haven't changed. Christina spotted you and quickly walked over to you waving excitedly, causing Gwen to look at you, you looked away and straight at Christina you came to hug you. Surprisingly Gwen walked over too.
"Hi y/n-" Gwen began to say before I cut her off
"Let's go sit Cath" you say, ignoring her and linking arms with Catherine leaving a stunned Gwen behind.
After the table read, Gwen tried talking to you and you brushed her off and walked away with Catherine again.
For the next few weeks, every time Gwen came near you or tried to talk you brushed her off and walked away with Catherine or Christina who were conveniently always by your side. You always felt her eyes on you, following you around the room.
Finally the last episode of filming came along, your job was done.
As you were about to leave the set you could hear Gwendoline talking with Catherine. You duck behind one of the lights to listen

"Why doesn't she want to talk to me? She always brushes me off and ignores me but she still talks with you" Gwendoline whispers

"Look Gwendoline, just leave it be if she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to talk" Catherine replies in the same hushed tone

"What did I do?" Gwen questions, you grew mad at her clenching your jaw. You could see Catherine's eyes darken

"What did you do? What did you do to that poor thing? Don't you realise the hurt you've caused her? She loved you, she adored you and I know damn well you know she did as well, you took her admiration for granted and just chucked her to the side like a useless piece of garbage. How could you expect her to just keep crawling back to you after what you've done to her? She hasn't stopped crying and hurting for months and months and then you go and block her? What was the reason?" Catherine slightly yells, mad at Gwendoline for asking such a stupid question.

"I-I I mean I jus-" she tries to protest before getting cut off again

"She loved you Gwen, her kind soul, she gave you everything, she offered you her heart, even when you were running off with Jenna and you ignored her, she came crawling to you every time because she thought you would change and you'd finally love her as much as she loved you and yet you took her already fragile heart and you threw it to the ground, you spat on it and crushed into a million pieces because you didn't give a damn about her. So don't blame her for not wanting to talk to you" Catherine spits out walking off.
That was it, your feelings were out, she knew, she knew how you really felt. You walked out of  the set room, thinking, your mind racing at a million miles per hour.

As you walked you could hear her calling your name, you rolled your eyes, continuing to walk away.

"Y/n please" she yells finally catching up to you and grabbing onto your wrist

You yank your arm away "what" you spit coldly

"I'm sorry I treated you so badly I didn't know how you felt, I'm so so sorry please, i don't know why I blocked you I just didn't- I don't know! I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry" she pleads and begs, you scoff at her pathetic reasoning

"You know why you blocked me Gwendoline, you had Jenna, your little shining new toy, you didn't need me, maybe you couldn't have coped with the fact that you didn't want me anymore and that you couldn't say it to my face. Is that why? You blocked me completely because you just didn't want me anymore?" You yell, choking out tears , letting them stream down your face.

She stays silent

"That's what I thought" you spit out turning around to walk away, you couldn't describe the hurt her silence caused you, all the pain and suffering she caused you, you hated it you hate that you were right.

"No! Please I love you I swear I'm sorry!" She yells. Her words sting hard and your tears rush out, did she really? It's all a lie, you couldn't be lured in just to be hurt again.

"It's too late Gwendoline" you say through your tears as you turn around and leave for the last time

A/N: AHHHH damn guys it's been quite a very long while I'm SO SO SO SO SO SORRY for the longest wait ever, I just feel like you guys need some closure and I just had that ounce of energy to write something little. I hope you like it, I'm not super satisfied with it but 🤷‍♀️ if you guys have any suggestions on what to change I can change it for you guys!!. Feedback is always always appreciated thank you so much for reading and supporting still!! Day 1s fr love you all and have a happy new year <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now