Principle Weems - fluff (xmas)

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It was the few days leading up to Christmas, everyone had gone home to their families, even those who would usually stay at school, had gone home. You didn't have a family, or at least you felt like you didn't have one, your parents are always travelling on business and had no time for you, even at Christmas. So you stayed at the school for the Christmas holidays.

You wandered the empty halls, lonely, wishing you could spend Christmas with someone. You hear heels clicking, and around the corner appears Principle Weems.

"Miss y/l/n? What are you doing here still? It's Christmas holidays." She says surprised

"I don't have anyone to go home to, so I'll just have to spend it here." You say softly

"Oh, well why don't you spend it with me? I also have no one to spend it with" She replies in the same soft tone

Your eyes light up, for the first time in years you'd be spending Christmas with someone.

"Yes please, that would be wonderful" you say.
She smiles brightly at you. You were quite fond of the headmistress, she'd always treat people with kindness and have such a bright smile, not to mention her beautiful, tall figure.

"Come see me in my office when you feel like it" she says with a smile

You nod your head and walk off. After a while you decide to go visit the headmistress, changing into your grinch onesie, putting on your reindeer slippers and placing a santa hat on your head. You make your way through the halls knocking on the headmistress's office door.

"Come in" she says

You open the door and shyly shuffle in. She looks up at you and smiles brightly.

"Oh you look so cute! I feel so underdressed now" she chuckles, wearing her usual school attire. You get an idea and rush off to you room to get another Santa hat for her, rushing back. She looks at you with a questioning look as you make your way behind her desk, placing the hat on her head. She turns to you not looking at you so you lift up her chin and inspect her features. Her blue eyes looking up at you now and her pale complexion complimenting her perfect features.

"There, very cute" you whisper. You see a light pink shade fill her pale cheeks. You give her a small grin before pulling a chair in front of the fire and sitting there in silence as she keeps working.

Outside turns dark and the school lights turn on. You hear the principle stretch and announce she's all done. She quickly goes to her room and comes back in christmas pyjamas, Santa hat and slippers, her hair down from her usual up-do. You flash her a mischievous grin. And she gives you a concerned look.

"Go grab your coat and meet me back here" you say, hesitantly she complies and goes to grab her coat, you do the same meeting back in her office. As soon as she enters you grab her arm and run off outside in the snow, dragging her with you.

"Y/n!" She half screams

"What?"You scream back giving her a smirk.

She doesn't say anything but bends down to pack a ball of snow before throwing it at you hitting you on the shoulder. You both laugh before you retaliate with a bigger snowball. You  both keep throwing snow at each other, becoming more aggressive with each throw. Both laughing way too hard when the other gets hit. You see her come dangerously close to you with her hands behind her back. Before you could react, she dumps a clump of snow on your head. Your mouth drops open before chasing after her, tackling her onto the soft snow. She giggles as you return the favour of dumping snow on her head.

After laughing you both lay down next to each other on the snow catching your breath.

"We should go in and warm up" she whispers

You nod and you both make your way inside, moving the couch in front of the fire to warm up. You take off your coats and sit on the couch, she pulls you into her side, your head leaning on her. Soon you fall asleep on her, in front of the roaring fire. The next morning, you found yourself cuddled next to the headmistress in her bed, feeling warm and content.

The next few days you continue to play around with her, becoming a lot closer with her, getting on first name basis. You find yourself falling for her, you can't help but think that she feels the same. You both giving each other cheeky, flirty comments.

On Christmas Eve. You suggest that you both go to the Weathervane for hot chocolate. She agrees and you make your way to the Weathervane, drinking hot chocolate and talking for a couple for hours about everything and anything. As you go outside and finish, it was getting dark even though it was early. You ask her to meet you in the gazebo in the towns centre. Quickly you head to the flower shop, grabbing a bouquet of roses for her.

As you make your way back to the gazebo, you find the headmistress looking up. Curiously you join her looking up. Mistletoe. You look at her.
"We don't have to if it makes you uncomfortab-" you say before she cuts you off.
She leans down and places her hand on your cheek, pulling you in. She places a sweet kiss on your lips, you immediately kiss her back your arms wrapping around her, careful not to squish the flowers. The kiss becomes passionate but you pull away gasping for air, she smiles tightly. You give her the flowers.

"Thank you for spending Christmas with me" you say

"These are beautiful y/n, thank you for spending Christmas with me as well" she whispers softly, before pulling you into another quick kiss.

"Merry Christmas Larissa" you say pulling back to look her in the eyes

"Merry Christmas y/n" she says keeping eye contact


A/N: I realised I couldn't just leave one shots like this at Christmas without doing a chapter on it. I'm v sorry it's so long and if you don't celebrate Xmas. Im literally writing it on the way to a lunch party. Please forgive me for a choppy story. Thanks for reading and supporting! Hope you have a great rest of the year <3

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now