Gwendoline Christie - Smut

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TW? Mirror sex

Gwen had been calling you a couple of times, each time you ignored it. The guilt was pent up in you, you didn't want to answer her. You had just started a new job and met your new colleagues. When they asked who your background was when your phone lit up, you simply said a friend, you knew you shouldn't have, you weren't ashamed at all, you think it's just so they wouldn't peer into your life and ask more questions.

You were currently in front of the mirror on the floor in your bedroom doing your makeup to go to a meeting when Gwen's contact popped up again, you watch your phone as it rings.

"Shouldn't you pick that up?"

"OH MY GOSH" you scream as you clutch your chest. You turn to see Gwen leaning against the doorway with a glass of wine in her hand. She finished the glass before placing it down on the vanity and coming closer to you. She kneels down behind you and you copy her, placing yourself in the same position in front of her. She tucks you in between her so her knees are on either side of your body. She leans down to your ear level, brushing your hair out of the way.

"You didn't think I'd find out did you? You told them I was just a friend? Did you want them to think you were single?" She husks in your ear. You're speechless, you didn't think she'd find out.

"What's the matter y/n y/l/n? You don't want them knowing that I make you cum under me? You don't want them knowing you beg for my touch? What an amazing orgasm your girlfriend gives you? You know I'm much more than a friend y/n" she whispers in your ear, her teeth graze along your ear making you shudder.

"Y-yes, i-I'm sorry" you stutter out.

She hums in satisfaction.

"Strip and come back looking at yourself in the mirror darling" she says softly and you immediately comply, stripping and kneeling back in the same position, looking at you and Gwen in the mirror.

"Good, I want you to watch me fuck what's mine" she says seductively. You almost moan at her words.

She runs her hands along your body, grabbing your breast in her hand, kneading it between her fingers, this action makes your nipples perk and your core throb. She notices this and continues to fondle with your breasts, paying attention to the other one. Your breath becomes fast and unsteady, your core throbbing, watching her play with you turned you on. She runs her hand down spreading your knees apart, running them up your thighs and hovering over your throbbing pussy. She makes eye contact with you through the mirror before making your clit. Making circles, stimulating it, you could almost cum like that.

She begins running her finger down to your cunt, toying with the outside before insert a finger in. You grind against her, your need to cum becoming more requisite. You watch as she inserts another finger going at a faster pace. You moan at the fullness you feel. She gains her speed, plunging her fingers deeper into you, pushing you on the edge.

"FUCK GWEN, I'm gonna cum, oh please" you moan as you reach behind you and tangle your hands up in Gwen's hair.

"Not yet, I want you to hold it in for me baby" she whispers breathily in your ear. Her other hand comes under your arm and grips around your neck.

You sweat trying to hold in your urge to cum. The stimulation was overwhelming, your breath becomes heavy and ragged. The feeling becomes too much and you start squirming.

"P-please, can I cum?" You ask breathlessly, she speeds up adding a third finger, you start tearing up at the overwhelming, burning sensation in your core.

"Yes" she says, granting permission. You cum hard, throwing your head back, a shaking orgasm takes over your body and you collapse into her arms, panting. Your still moaning at the strong feeling that came over you seconds ago. Gwen allows you to ride out your high on her fingers before bringing them up to her mouth, you watch as she sucks your juices off, moaning at taste, your sensitive cunt twitching at the sight.

You fall to the side in exhaustion, your head laying on her arm, she brushes your hair out of your face.

"You did such a good job holding in your cum for me baby" she coos

You lightly moan in response, tiredly fluttering your eyes at her.


A/N: hey guys! Hope you liked this one shot! Feedback is always appreciated. I won't be updating for like three days. Also I'm so sorry if your requests haven't been done yet! The list is so so long. I promise I'm getting through them. Love you all Xx

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now