Gwendoline Christie - sad/fluff-ish

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"I-I don't love you anymore y/n, I- Giles, I love him." She chokes out

You fight back the tears, you saw this coming, the flowers he sent the next day he met her and the times he offered to drive her around in his nice car. Why couldn't you see the signs that she didn't love you anymore? We're you just some rubbish she tossed to the side after she was done with you?

"It's okay, I understand, we'll stay friends though, right?" You ask, not letting the tears appear in your eyes.

She nods.
"I'm sorry y/n-"

"I'll have someone pick up my stuff by the end of the week, I wish you all the best" you cut her off as you walk out, wearing her shirt.
As soon as you got in the car you cried and you cried, it felt like you couldn't breathe. All it took was a super rich, handsome man with a nice car to take her heart. You couldn't provide that for her.

End of flashback

It's been five years since Gwen had left you, it was your fault, you made her unhappy, you took away her happiness by being with her. You missed her, her touch, her voice, her coos. The truth is you never got over her, you haven't fallen in love ever since, no one compared to her. No one has the same eyes, the same laugh, the same smile, the same scar over the lip or the same personality, kindness. By what you've heard, she sounds happy, they sound in love, you couldn't wreck that. Like the amount of times you would be tempted to press her contact on your phone and call her to say how much you missed her. It's pathetic how you never got over her.

Today you started a new tv show, you went onto set, the smell, the lights, it never gets old. As you walk over to the set, you hear a laugh that sounds all too familiar. You and Gwen were playing love interests in the show, ironic really.

Over the next few months you and Gwen were laughing and having fun, just like old friends. Though you couldn't help but feel that pang in your heart, like when you wanted to just jump in her arms and let her hold you and stroke your hair after a long day of filming or when Giles came on set with flowers and little gifts for her and kissing her on the lips in front of you, the same sinking feeling came back, like the day she left you. Sometimes you'd have to look away to hide your hurt, that could've been the both of you. After all these months the pain only built up and got worse, you'd spend less time with Gwen because Giles was always with her and even when he wasn't with her you'd still not go over to her trailer and have a friendly conversation after filming, it just hurt you too much to see her happy with another person.

One day, you and Gwen were filming the break up scene in the show, the director gave you the freedom to improvise the scene.

"Y/s/n (your show name), I don't love you anymore" she yells, your heart breaks, it feels all too familiar.

"Yeh that's right just go back to your ex, go back to someone who doesn't treat you right" you yell back, going along with the show plot. Tears welling up in your eyes, the pain you were holding in slowly making their way out.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! HE JUST TREATS ME BETTER, A LOT BETTER THAN YOU EVER DID" she screams back. Is that how she felt about you? Your tears break free, the pain comes back, your heart breaks.

"Wasn't I good enough for you? Did I not provide the things you wanted? Am I really that hard to love, you have to leave me? I'm sorry I'm not handsome and I'm not super rich and I don't have a super fancy car to drive you around in every time" you cry out.

She stands there mouth agape so you continue.

"No one will love you as much as me, okay?" You sob.

"Get out of my house" she says sternly

"Our house" you mumble under your breath before running through the set door and to your trailer. You grab Gwen's shirt you kept all these years from the closet and curl up, sobbing on the couch, clutching onto her shirt, you just keep crying, everything you kept in for the past few years, came out. The pain in your heart became overwhelming.

Gwen comes rushing in, coming to pick you up into her lap, as much as you wanted her to just hold you, you push away from her, it was wrong of you, she had Giles, she loved him not you. You try choke back your sobs, to not let her know you're hurt, you wipe your tears away.

"Y/n-" she begins.

"I'm fine" you cut her off, you stand up to run out of your trailer throwing her shirt back on the couch. You ran out of the trailer, through the car park and to the grass next to the parking. You collapse on the grass, crying again. You can't go back to her, you can't ruin her happiness again. She probably hates you, you're ruining her happiness just by being around her you think. You grip the grass, your knuckles turning white.

You feel her picking you up, you shake yourself out of her grasp.

"NO, stop, you hate me please, just go away, leave me be please" you scream through your tears.

"I don't hate you y/n, I love you please" she says softly, pulling you into her embrace.

"No, no you don't. Remember, you. Don't. Love me. Anymore" you say, clenching your jaw. The tears still streaming down you face.

"I-I do, I do y/n, now, all this time on set, it's the happiest I've been in five years" she says looking into your teary eyes

"Why would you leave me then?" You question, almost about to cry again.

"I don't know, I'm sorry, it was so stupid of me, but all I know is that I need you, please" she says in a soft tone

"Are you sure?" You say looking at her with your teary eyes, slightly pouting.

"Yes y/n, please I love you" she says rocking back and fourth on the grass to comfort you

"I love you too Gwen, I always have" you say crying into her shoulder.

"Thank you y/n" she whispers into your hair. She holds you tighter

And like that, all the pain and all the broken pieces of your heart is restored and the empty void that was once there, has been filled with her love.


A/N: guess who's backkkk. Happy new year! This is such a choppy and rushed plot I'm so sorry! Requests are kinda backed up rn, so many!! Thank you for requesting and all the kind messages, I have like 17 requests lined up. I'll try my best to write them to the best of my ability. As always, feedback is appreciated. Lemme know what you think!

One shots Larissa Weems/ Gwendoline Christie Where stories live. Discover now