Chapter # 1

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Satoru played mindlessly with the pen he was holding. It was one of the days of his second year as a student at Jujutsu high.

"Hey, Suguru."

The boy with a bun glanced up from the book he was holding, "yes?"
"How licks does it take to finish a lollipop?"


"This has been bothering me since yesterday, I could not sleep at night." the white-haired male placed down the pen and pulled out his 'sweet bag' from his school bag.

Suguru Geto, who was used to his antics very much said, "why not find that out?"

"Yeah, you are right," Satoru pulled several candies and sweets, grabbed a lollipop, and opened it up. Suguru rolled his eyes and went back to reading their latest textbooks.

Satoru held a lollipop in his hand and a pen in another and started marking each lick on the paper.

"Hello, boys!" Shoko greeted, entering the classroom that had only a three-student desk.

"Greetings, Shoko."

"What's up, Shoko."

"Did you complete the writing assignments we were given?" Shoko had her brown hair pulled into a ponytail, she placed her belongings on the desk.

"We had an assignment!?" Satoru dropped his lollipop that was half eaten.

"Yes, we did, did Suguru not remind you?"
Satoru accusingly looked at the said boy, who just raised his hands, "not my fault, I did text you last night."

"You did!?"
"Yes, I did. That reminds me where were you last night, Satoru?"

"Doing things."
"Did those things happen to be 5'9 and a redhead?"

"That's oddly specific, were you stalking me?"

"No, I dont need to stalk you to figure out what things you were doing."

"Well, at least I was doing something. That reminds me, how is it going with your betrothed?" Gojo smirked like an ass he was.
At the mention of the 'one who must not be named' Geto shoots him a glare.

"Right, your love life is just as nonexistent as Nanami's people skills."

"Hey, keep Nanami out of this!" Shoko told Satoru with a smack on his head.

"What, I'm right, aren't I?"

"Satoru, just because you are right does not mean you should spew out whatever nonsense comes to your mind."

"I should see what Sensei is up to." Suguru stood up, leaving them behind.

Shoko shook her head, sighing she pulled out her assignment folder and handed it over to Gojo, "just copy my assignment, Satoru."
Satoru looked at the seat where his best friend was sitting a while ago.

"Yeah, thanks, Shoko." his face lit up with a little smile.

"Oh, and I found out just by accident that the juniors have a new student joining!" Shoko told them as they were walking out of the class

Go to yawned, his hands tied behind his head, "who cares?"

"I heard she is a foreign student, probably does not know much Japanese at all."

"Wait, it's a she!?" Gojo exclaimed, "tell me is she pretty?"

"I don't know, didn't meet her myself."
Geto silently listened to them talk about the new student. He heard a familiar voice, looked to his right, and surely there she was, 'the one who must not be named and she wasn't alone.

"Hey, Sugu!" the girl yelled from a distance, catching the attention of his friends as well.

"Hi, Saori!" Satoru was the first one to greet her.

Nanami, who was trailing behind her, decided it was a good time to just disappear from the scene.

"You doing good, Saori?" Shoko asked.
Saori had beautiful hair that was chopped into a cut that barely reached her shoulders, copper skin, and just as sparkling eyes.

"spectacular now that we have a new girl in our class."  She turned her head, pointing towards the girl who has been standing there, with her hand wrapped around her chest.


"This is (Name) (Last Name)."
The brunette held out her hand for her to shake, "Shoko Ieiri."

The foreign girl shook her hand with a little smile, "this Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo, we are your senior."

Her eyes drifted to each of the males as if reading them, Shoko did not miss the cautious glint in her eyes.

Satoru's drifting to her, he analyzed as he has done so many times. Her uniform was neat and her hair was pulled into an appropriate hairstyle that was practical as well as looked flattering on her. There was nothing that stood out about her, just an average girl, he assumed.

He looked his eyes to her and said, "you are pretty,"

She looked startled, he was expecting her to flush in embarrassment. But she didn't and just intensely glared at him.

He leaned down, she did not back away.

Saori let out a gasp at the scene, "Gojo, stop making her uncomfortable." She lightly pushed him away.

"Aw, Saori, I was just getting acquainted."
Go get acquainted with someone else, "(Name)-Chan is too innocent for your acquaintance."

"She is right, you shouldn't pull moves on their classmate." 

"Suguru, you should be siding with me!"

"Anyway, we should keep going." Saori threw a wink in Suguru's way and motioned the girl to follow her.

Gojo motioned to stop the girls from leaving, he was not done with his experiment, "Wait, I was not done---"

One moment he was standing on his feet, the other he was laying flat on his back, with the new girl twisting his arm that was about to touch her.

She glared down at him ferociously, and uttered, "what a joke." it was only loud enough for him to hear.

"I wouldn't hesitate to hurt you, (Last Name)." Geto was behind her, his hand on her shoulder, "let him go."

"Hey, Sugu, let her go." Saori pulled his hand off of her, "you let Satoru go as well, (Name)-chan."

She let go of his arm, straightening her back, "let's go, Sumi."

"Just call me Saori, dummy!"

The girl locked her arm with hers and strolled away.


"Satoru, get up." Satoru was holding his nose, his eyes vacant as he stared at the sky.
Geto pulled him to his feet.

"That was brilliant not gonna lie." Shoko snickered at the star-struck look on his face.
"I've never--- never! been pushed to the ground by a girl!"

Satoru exclaimed, taking his hand off of his nose and turning to Shoko, "is it bleeding?"


"Woah, I just got pushed to the ground by a girl!"

"We saw, stop repeating yourself."

Gojo shook Geto's shoulders, "you don't get it, Suguru! She is the one!"

"Satoru, quit it, your masochist side is showing."

Author's note:

Hey! I'm back with a new fanfic! It's an alternate universe of my other Gojo fiction, the Veil, Imagining what would've happened if Satoru and (Name) met in their teen years.
Hoping you'll like it as well!


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