Chapter # 40

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(A few months later)

The days are passing relatively slowly at the (Last Name) household, with all of them busy doing their jobs and living a relatively normal life for sorcerers. (Name) is specifically happy and chirpier than usual, and there is a reason for that; her relationship with Satoru is just as or perhaps even stronger.

"Miss, (Name), it's so nice to meet you," a girl now much younger than her, greeted her with a warm smile.

"Likewise and you are?"

"Aoi Akashi,"

"Oh yes, now I remember, Satoru mentioned you and I want to say he might never tell you this but thanks for helping him,"

"You are too kind, I'm selfish I'm doing this for my good,"

"Don't belittle yourself,"

"I don't deserve your kindness,"  the younger girl spoke with distaste, "I'm just a useless lower-grade sorcerer," 

(Name) fell silent, looking around her little living room, she asked, "you live alone?"

"Yes, but my brother used to live with me but now with the money I got from Mister. Gojo, I send him to a boarding school,"

"I'm sure he'll grow up to be an amazing man,"

"That's what I'm counting on,"

The very next day, (Name) is invited to a hangout with Satoru (she prefers calling it a date).

"Hey there, Muffin," he greeted her, with a big smile on his face as his gem-like eyes glittered in the little light the candles had to offer, "I was getting hungry, glad to see you made it here on time,"

She set down on a chair that he pulled out of the table, "You could've eaten, you know."

"But, sweetheart, you were bringing the dinner,"

(Name) knitted her brows in confusion, she was never told to bring any dinner at all. She spoke, "but you never told me---"

He took a deep, rumbling breath, "well, I never said you were bringing food, did I?"

"What do you mean---"

"Shhh, don't speak," he placed a gentle finger on her lips, lingering his touch on her lips, "you know, I was wondering if maybe its time for us to officially bind our relationship,"

"But what about the adoption---" he motioned her to stay silent and pulled out some papers from his coat pocket, "what's that?"

"You can see by yourself," he placed the papers in her awaiting hands and looked amused at her changing expressions.

You are officially Saomi's Guardian..." her eyes met him, and a smile made its way to her face, "you are officially her guardian!?" she jumped to her feet, her arms swinging around his neck as she hugged him out of mirth, "but weren't you suppose to---"

"I know, but we found a loophole, her grandparents are now under the strict eye of legislation over child abuse and neglect as well as human trafficking so they are unfit to adopt anyone, even if it's their blood," he explained, as his arms encircled her waist.

"Wow, how did you---"

"I didn't frame them, the evidence was gathered with little help from Aoi Akashi," he told her, "that girl has the potential to become an investigator, I don't know why she is wasting her time with sorcerers,"

"Mhm, I hope she figures that out soon,"

"Anyway," he gave a little smirk, "now that I have you on my lap, I wonder what I can do,"

"Wait, what---" she didn't even notice she is sitting on his lap, with her arms wrapped around his neck. He caressed her back with soft taps of his callused fingers, bringing them all way to her face.

"You know, we can have dinner later," he whispered near her ears and a wave of goosebumps erupted over her skin.

"Satoru..." she gasped, his lips made contact with her neck, "please..."

"Please what? Muffin, use your words,"

"Please, kiss me,"

"Thought you'll never ask," with that, the two lovers' lips met; one showing desperation and need and the other, smugness at bringing out her side that she is unaware of.

Author's Note:

Well, there goes my THE VEIl: Reimagined.

It's over fellas, but don't you worry, a new fanfic is coming out soon so keep on the lookout!

The only thing I can disclose is that the reader is going to romance lots of Anime men/boys.


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